June 11, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

I'm turning the wheel over to Doc Gumshoe today for some updates from the world of health and medicine... he's got some additional thoughts about HCQ and COVID in hospitals, but is mostly focused on other stuff this week, progress with CRISPR (blindness) and stem cells (Parkinson's) and even aspirin (for cancer prevention)... I always finish his missives feeling a little smarter, hopefully you'll do the same... just click below for...

If you’re tired of NOT making weekly profits during the current global pandemic...and are hitting roadblock after roadblock, then you’re reading this at the perfect time! Millionaire trader Jeff Bishop has just launched a FREE mini-class, “Bullseye Options Trading”. You’ll walk away with a 1-Master Trading Plan that will give you a clear understanding of what it takes to potentially double your profits virtually every week.

Check out the video to get started


The near-term catalyst dates always get Gumshoe readers intrigued, so we've had a bunch of folks asking about what Bill Poulos is pitching with his "Coronavirus to thrust $9 stock into the stratosphere starting June 19" teaser for Premium Income Alert -- so what's that $9 stock, and what is he talking about?  Just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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