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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

News Headlines

ASPR TRACIE creates new resource page for ‘countries experiencing conflict’

In recognition that armed conflicts can have a wide-ranging impact, HHS' ASPR TRACIE has put together a list of resources for such things as preparing for traumatic injuries, cyberattacks, biological and chemical incidents and related mental healthcare.

Are you ready for OSHA’s wave of new rules?

Are you ready for a wave of new federal worker safety and health regulations? OSHA is moving forward with several rulemakings, three of which are healthcare-specific, that could affect many employers. If you’re in the healthcare field, you could be facing a permanent COVID-19 standard based on the agency’s 2021 emergency temporary standard (ETS) and infectious disease and workplace violence standards.

How structured reporting can lead to better patient outcomes

Structured reporting systems are expected to dramatically improve patient care and data management.

A coalition of 14 professional societies, led by the American College of Cardiology and by the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventionsestimates that only 10% of United States cardiac catheterization labs use structured reporting to improve efficiency and bolster patient outcomes.


Mac's Safety Space

Where were you when the lights went out…

They didn’t? That’s great – but there may be folks out there with other ideas.


What is the Accreditation & Quality Compliance Center?

The Accreditation & Quality Compliance Center is your home for all things accreditation and patient safety. Brimming with content for free and premium subscribers alike, this site is your center for hospital excellence. 

  • News Articles
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HLSC Single Subscriber

Q&A with Scott Wytosick, life safety coordinator for Akron Children’s Hospital

In February, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Congressman Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) introduced the Protecting and Enhancing Public Access to Codes Act (Pro Codes Act), which would safeguard public access to important federal rules and regulations.

“Standards in federal rules and regulations matter, and never more so than when they are at the inflection point of streamlining public access—or hindering it," Rep. Issa said in a statement. "The guidelines set by the National Fire Protection Association are vital, and this legislation represents the spirit of the private sector, promotes transparency in standard setting, and ensures the public can access the rules they are being asked to follow."


MEU Single Subscriber

Packing for the journey: Specimen shipping and handling

When sending specimens outside the lab for testing or other purposes, there are many things to consider. Not just anyone in the laboratory can prepare the specimens for shipment; specific training is required. Staff need to know how to pack the specimens, how to keep themselves and the recipients safe, and how to fill out the necessary paperwork.


Basic Subscribers

The power of the patient navigator

If you work in healthcare every day, the system will probably feel like second nature to you. But it’s different for patients, who don’t have your familiarity with the system. They don’t know what health questions to ask or when to ask them. They don’t know what is or isn’t going to be covered by insurance. If they don’t have a car, they don’t know how they’ll get from building to building. This can create a disorienting and off-putting experience that can foster mistrust or alienate patients so much they avoid care altogether.

Patient navigators (PN) are professionals who can fill that gap, working with patients, families, and caregivers to overcome healthcare barriers. 

Review endoscope cleaning policies now that AAMI has updated its standard

You may need to update your policies, processes, and procedures for the cleaning and storage of endoscopes now that the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) has an updated version of ANSI/AAMI ST91:2021, Flexible and Semi-Rigid Endoscope Processing in Health Care Facilities.

Stay on top of hospital construction with attention to compliance details

When building a new hospital, get involved early in the design, appoint someone with a thorough background in NFPA and other building regulations to be on-site daily, and round early and often to keep on top of compliance problems.