InformationWeek Security
AI in SOC: Hero or Zero?; Unsecured Network Risks; CISO Role Evolution

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InformationWeek Security
March 14, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Evaluate a CISO Job Offer
Chief information security officers are on the job hunt. What should they be looking for in an offer?

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AI in the SOC: Is It the Savior or Just Another Gimmick?

AI can enhance security operations, especially by aiding less experienced analysts. However, successful AI integration requires attention to output quality.
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The Risks of Using an Unsecured Network and the Best Way to Protect Your Users and Company

IT departments and individual users must practice safe, trusted, and secure Internet habits to avoid the risks of unsecured networks and keep cyber villains out.
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The CISO Role Is Changing. Can CISOs Themselves Keep Up?

What happens to security leaders that don't communicate security well enough? "Ask SolarWinds."
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Priorities for Cloud Security in 2024
The pace of cloud migration has outpaced security. How can organizations prioritize cloud security this year? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Steps Toward Effective Disaster Recovery
Disasters are increasing in frequency and costing more than ever before. When was the last time you updated your plan? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
9 Scary Examples of Malicious Insider Attacks
There are thousands of chilling insider threat stories. Far too many to put in this creepiest of creepy Halloween slideshows. But here are a bunch of hair-raising examples. Read More

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