InformationWeek Cloud
Western Digital Breach; CDOs Want More Investment in Data Management, Cloud; Dark Deals in Synthetic Data

InformationWeek Cloud
April 10, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Assessing the Cloud and Its Benefits
The average organization has at least four cloud services. How many of those cloud services are delivering value? Or wasting money?

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Breach Takes Systems Down Across Western Digital

A network security incident took multiple systems offline. Insight has been limited, but the incident gives Western Digital’s customers and other data storage providers plenty to think about.
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CDOs Want Increased Investments in Data Management, Cloud

Chief data officers who help drive organizational alignment on data management investments in support of business strategies must look beyond purely technical objectives.
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What Just Broke?: Alleged Dark Deals in Synthetic Data

Did a fast-rising startup founder bilk JPMorgan Chase of $175M by using synthetic data? Will the escalation of AI make such alleged crimes easier?
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The Importance of Mentors in Tech and Finance
Here’s why mentorship is instrumental in career growth, providing guidance and support for personal and professional development. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Cisco CIO Fletcher Previn on the Hybrid Workplace & Exploring AI
Six months after moving from IBM to Cisco, Previn talks about solving for the needs of the hybrid workplace that can include leveraging AI. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
IT Skills: Top 10 Programming Languages for 2023
If you’re working in enterprise IT (or looking for a job), you probably need to know at least one of these programming languages. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Top 10 Data Science Tools and Technologies
Data science has become a critical tool for doing business in the uncertain economy. Here are 10 tools that can help you get and maintain that competitive edge. Read More
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