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Hi capricorn, here is your Weekly Horoscope.
From April 4, 2016 thru April 10, 2016
Next Week | This Month
Your carefully premeditated strategies should pay off as the week begins. Others will take notice (and be impressed!) as your plans come together on Monday and Tuesday, and you should be proud of your results. On Wednesday and Thursday, progress gets a little more difficult, and things might not be quite what they seem. Consider changing the way you're approaching this problem -- you could use a new perspective. On Friday and Saturday, everyone is on your side! Use teamwork -- with a dash of creativity -- to get things done (even if the only thing you accomplish is having some fun). This Sunday, don't be afraid to delay. Put off big decisions for another day. More ยป
P.S. Wondering if your luck will turn around soon? Discover what awaits for you with a Psychic Reading. Call 1-800-350-0916!
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