Not all of the conversations at Cannes were creative in nature.
June 24, 2024

At Cannes, publishers attempt to quell marketers’ open programmatic apostasy

Not that programmatic was ever really the belle of the Cannes Lions ball, but picture the situation this year: shrinking ad budgets in the open programmatic marketplace, the MFA controversy blowing up, domain spoofing concerns, Google delaying third-party deprecation (again).

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The Private Aggregation API provides a means for marketers to receive reach and frequency reports post-cookie.
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The fact that the much-anticipated “year of gaming” hasn’t happened yet is not necessarily a harbinger of doom for the gaming industry and its advertising dreams. Much like how mobile is now a standard advertising channel despite the lack of an agreed-upon “year of mobile,” the hype surrounding the concept of a “year of gaming” could simply fade away as gaming becomes a default method for individuals to socialize online and access digital content.
What you might’ve missed at Cannes Lions 2024.
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