Quantum computers now have a new universal language; How blockchain is transforming online gaming for players
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Atari CEO touts future of blockchain in gaming

Game makers are innovating with blockchain to address the risks involved with online purchasing and to create new use cases.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Quantum computers now have a new universal language

How blockchain is transforming online gaming for players

Return to the office: This company is giving workers beeping wristbands to keep them socially distancing

IBM's new Watson Works products use AI to help companies plan when to safely send employees back to the workplace

Helium expands hotspot network to Europe and releases personal IoT tracker

DNA: The next data storage revolution

A COVID-19 data block lets organizations make sense of ever-changing data

Gender Decoder and blind resumes: How to remove bias in your hiring process

Salesforce Research develops COVID-19 search engine

The digital divide: Not everyone has the same access to technology

OpenAI's commercial release of API raises serious questions about AI misuse

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Pandemic response policy

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic beginning in March of 2020 provoked drastic changes in worldwide company operations. This pandemic put many businesses to the test in formulating meaningful strategies for successful operations while protecting their employees from virus exposure. Unfortunately, the pandemic produced a negative impact both via infections/fatalities and impeded economic conditions which compounded the damage toll.The purpose of this pandemic response policy from TechRepublic Premium is to provide procedures for organizations and employees to follow before, during and after pandemics strike. This policy can be customized as needed to fit the needs of your organization.

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