13,083 people have taken this course

Are you ready to live the life you deserve? From material abundance to the abundance of love, you can attract everything you desire. If you want to create miracles you can see and feel in your life, you are ready to learn the real secrets of the Law of Attraction, and the key principles about how manifestation works.

You may already be familiar with the Law of Attraction. The concept has entered mainstream consciousness through books and films, and many people are now aware of the vast powers we all have to create the life of our dreams. If you want to put those powers to work for you, though, you need to be aware of several crucial factors that take you beyond the basics. People often make some critical mistakes that cause their manifestation process to go awry. Fortunately there are things you can learn in an easeful way that others have had to learn "the hard way."

Making the Law of Attraction work for you

In this course from best-selling author Gay Hendricks, you will learn the elements involved in manifestation and how to use them to make your dreams come true. Gay Hendricks has spent a lifetime and some hard-learned lessons gaining priceless insight into the manifestation process. Through this program, he shares his wisdom in ways that are simple and highly effective. This course contains powerful lessons every week that include detailed information on how to make the Law of Attraction work for you and how to avoid two critical mistakes that cause most manifestation projects to fail.

Topics covered:
  • Law of Attraction Fundamentals
  • Guaranteeing Your Success
  • Crucial Meta-Secrets in Making Manifestation Work for You
  • Two Critical Mistakes that Cause Most Manifestation Projects to Fail
  • Liberating the Full Power of the Law of Attraction
Heartfelt commitment is your entry-gate to the journey of manifestation. Make a sincere commitment to creating a magnificent life, and watch the miracles start to happen.

What Others Are Saying

"Gay Hendricks is a great role model for true success. He enjoys abundance and a deep connection with his own spiritual essence, and at the same time has lived for three decades in a thriving marriage. Now, he shows us how to do it for ourselves." -- Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of Cracking the Millionaire Code

"Hendricks has examined the human spirit and psyche for all of his working life. He gently guides [us] to an understanding of how and where you have created limits, how to move beyond them to living in your zone of genius and succeeding in love, life and finances. This is the true Law of Attraction in action." - Miriam

"Gay names the hidden barriers that mostly unconsciously are in the way of each of us stepping up to create passionate work we love and thrive in - our zone of genius. His words help me understand the pieces of the puzzle and how they can be put into place and we can more easily thrive. And this is all stated so simply - that it's almost hard to believe it can work." - Michele

"Hendricks has compiled pointed questions to help you nail down what matters most to you and what may have held you back in the past." - Regan

"Gay Hendricks lets us know what holds us back in life. He made me aware of hidden fears I didn't even know I had. By describing a hierarchy of zones we spend time in, he helped me realize how often I keep myself from doing what I truly love." - Diana

"I am 67 years young and have been through many different kinds of 'clearing processes' both secular and spiritual but none of them had the impact of Gay Hendricks work." - John

"Thank you Gay Hendricks for putting into words that which was out of reach for me. I get it now. The light bulb is on. I have given myself permission to shine at my full wattage without worry, anxiety, regard for others perception. I commit to living in my zone of genius." - Whitney

"In simple, practical and humble form Gay Hendricks shows us a new way of viewing the zone in which we live and operate and the world that is open to us when we step into our greatness. " - Sean

"I know that I can shift into self-love if that is my conscious intention. I am so grateful to Gay Hendricks." - Gloria

"I have been a student of the four agreements for years. But seeing this from the complaint viewpoint really sheds light on the hidden agendas. I love this facet of this course. It is giving me much clarity in spaces that were hidden from me!" - Shira

"While I have always been conscious of a higher state of being, I already feel more energized than ever to complete why I exist in this lifetime, in this body. I've been blessed with knowing quite a bit at this stage of my life, and now I'm more than ready to embrace the rest of what I have to offer." - Deborah

"[Hendricks] gives you a new perspective for creating change and achieving things in your life." - Polly

"Wow... Gay Hendricks has done it again. What a fantastic process to go through to experience clarity of thought on the most important areas of life, the most significant questions of life, that will bring you the happiness that we are all striving for." - Chris

About Gay Hendricks

Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., has been a leader in the fields of relationship transformation and bodymind therapies for more than 45 years. After earning his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford, Gay served as professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Colorado for 21 years. He founded The Hendricks Institute, which offers seminars in North America, Asia and Europe. He has written more than 40 books. In 2003, Gay co-founded The Spiritual Cinema Circle, which distributes inspirational movies and conscious entertainment to subscribers in 70+ countries. Gay has offered seminars worldwide and appeared on more than 500 radio and television shows, including OPRAH, CNN, CNBC, 48 HOURS and others.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every week for 8 weeks (total of 8 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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This is the total amount for all 8 lessons