In this issue, July 18, 2023 View it in your browser.

AudioPaLM, Spotify Experiments, AWS Graviton3E, Cosmos DB, K8s Security, OpenJDK Cryptography, ASP.NET Core, AI in ReSharper, Apache Flink, Continuous Experimentation, Architecture for Flow

QCon San Francisco (Oct 2-6): Level-up on emerging software trends.

As we navigate through 2023, the software development community continues to grapple with many challenges that demand our attention. At QCon SF innovators and early adopters share their stories and real-life experience to help you tackle these challenges.
Secure early bird tickets before July 25.


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How to avoid costly fixes and potential outages in your software?

Integrating reliability test automation in the build process using CI/CD improves your software resiliency by multi-folds. Learn how to best achieve it from UKG, Nagarro & Gremlin experts. Live on July 27 - Register now.

Ben Dart on 2023 Trends in Robotics at ICRA

Live from the venue of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), we are talking with Ben Dart about the trends in robotics. In this podcast, Ben and Roland discuss the latest robotics technology as showcased at ICRA, and discuss where this technology is on the hype cycle. They also discuss how to get started with robotics yourself. (Podcast)

Advice for Remote and Hybrid Leaders

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Julien Danjou of Mergify about creating good remote and hybrid working environments. (Podcast)

Google's Speech AI AudioPaLM Performs Translation with Voice Transfer

Researchers at Google announced AudioPaLM, a large language model (LLM) that performs text-to-speech (TTS), automated speech recognition (ASR), and speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) with voice transfer. AudioPaLM is based on the PaLM-2 LLM and outperforms OpenAI's Whisper on translation benchmarks. (News)

Sponsored by ScyllaDB


7 Essentials When Selecting a NoSQL Database-as-a-Service

With the move into the “Zettabyte era,” many are looking at DBaaS options that are deployed in a public cloud and fully managed by a DBaaS provider. This paper outlines 7 key considerations that help teams realize the many benefits a DBaaS has to offer — without falling into some of the common traps. Download Now.


  1. Azure Brings Vertical Scaling, Monitor Alerts and More for Apache Cassandra Managed Instance

  2. AWS Introduces New Clickstream Analytics on AWS Solution for Mobile and Web Applications

How Spotify Carries through Experiments at Scale for Spotify Home

Spotify runs more than 250 online experiments annually on its Spotify Home platform, which are used by dozen of different teams. To accomplish running experiments at such scale, Spotify uses a number of different tools, explains Spotify product manager Nik Goyle. (News)


  1. Google Releases Cloud SQL Enterprise Plus for MySQL and PostgreSQL

  2. First Amazon EC2 Instances with Graviton3E Processors Now GA

  3. New AWS .NET Distributed Cache Provider for DynamoDB in Preview

  4. New Migration Capabilities in Application Migration Service: Global View, Import/Export and More

  5. AWS Introduces Remote Invoke Feature in AWS SAM CLI, Enabling Seamless Testing of Lambda Functions

Azure Cosmos DB: Low Latency and High Availability at Planet Scale

Mei-Chin Tsai and Vinod Sridharan discuss the internal architecture of Azure Cosmos DB and how it achieves high availability, low latency, and scalability. (Presentation with transcript included)

Beyond Default Settings: Evaluating the Security of Kubernetes and Cloud Native Environments

The panelists discuss default configurations, authentication, and access control mechanisms in the context of what Kubernetes brings to the table in terms of security. (Presentation with transcript included)

Sponsored by Curity


OAuth Tools: The Free OAuth Laboratory

Experiment, learn and explore the OAuth and OpenID Connect protocols. Understand each step of the token issuance process and how to use OAuth flows for API access control. Try OAuth Tools.


  1. Vaadin 24.1.0: Enhancing Web Application Development with New Features and Optimizations

  2. Modern Cryptography in OpenJDK: Introduction of Key Encapsulation Mechanisms API

Java News Roundup: Jakarta EE 11 Updates, Quarkus LTS, Micronaut, Foojay Board, DevBCN, JCrete

This week's Java roundup for July 3rd, 2023, features news from JDK 22, JDK 21, Jakarta EE 11 updates, Micronaut 4.0.0-RC1, Quarkus 3.2.0 and 2.16.8, Helidon 3.2.2, Apache Camel 4.0.0-RC1, Hibernate Search 6.2.0, Hibernate Reactive 2.0.2, Infinispan 15.0.0.Dev02, JDKMon 17.0.69, JBang 0.109.0, Kotlin 1.9.0, updates, and DevBCN and JCrete conferences. (News)

Sponsored by Microsoft


.NET on Azure for Beginners

Learn the basics of Azure and how to leverage its services and features to build amazing cloud applications. You will learn how to deploy .NET web apps, work with storage and data, authenticate and use Managed Identity, harness the power of containers, and even deploy with GitHub Actions. Learn More.


  1. AI Assistant Comes to ReSharper

  2. .NET Community Toolkit 8.2.1: New Code Fixers, Diagnostics and QoL Improvements

ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 Preview 6: Blazor Updates and More

The latest release of .NET 8 Preview 6 brings significant additions and changes to ASP.NET Core. The most notable enhancements for this release of ASP.NET Core are related to the Blazor alongside the updates regarding the debugging experience, testing metrics, API authoring, servers, middleware and many more. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Instacart Creates a Self-Serve Apache Flink Platform on Kubernetes

Tesla's Virtual Power Plant

The speakers explore the architecture of the Tesla Energy Platform including the use of asset hierarchies, functional programming techniques, trade-offs in edge vs. cloud computing. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. A Culture of Continuous Experimentation: Learnings from QCon New York

  2. Testing across a Large Number of Inputs with Property-Based Testing

  3. Descaling for Delivery and Using AI to Enhance Software Development: Learnings from QCon New York

Adaptive, Socio-Technical Systems with Architecture for Flow: Wardley Maps, DDD, and Team Topologies

Designing for adaptability sounds easier than done. How do you design and build systems that can evolve and thrive in the face of constant change? This article provides a high-level introduction to combining Wardley Mapping, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), and Team Topologies to design and build adaptive, socio-technical systems optimized for a fast flow of change. (Article)

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