August 2022

Large-Scale Office Art for a Global Tech Company Completed!

2022年6月、TokyoDexは世界的な外資系IT企業の廊下を、カミジョウミカ (Paralym Art)、Maharo、Kazu Tabu、Chad Feyen、澁谷忠臣、京森康平、一林保久道、Erica Wardと共に、ユニークなアート体験ができる空間に変貌させました。


In June 2022, TokyoDex finished a project for a global tech company to transform hallways into one-of-a-kind art experiences. We worked with Mika Kamijyo (Paralym Art), Maharo, Kazu Tabu, Chad Feyen, Tadaomi Shibuya, Kohei Kyomori, Hokuto Ichibayashi and Erica Ward to create installations to match the specific themes of each floor.

The artwork functions as an architectural element that serves to break up the line of sight in these long hallways and bring immersive art into casual walks around the office across eight floors.

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Vision Artワークショップ実施!
Vision Art Workshop at SHIBUYA QWS!

TokyoDexはSHIBUYA QWS(渋谷キューズ)にて、Vision Artワークショップを開催しました。


TokyoDex created a workshop for Shibuya QWS where members discussed their ideas on the theme “stimulus,” and then created individual collages inspired by their discussions. 
A designer at TokyoDex then reassembled participants' work to create one unified collage. In addition, she created an artwork that displays keywords and motifs from the conversations and individual collages from the workshop that illustrates workshop participants’ ideas overflowing from Shibuya’s scramble square out into the world. 

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Event Information

8月21日、葉山町にあるmoshimo cafeで、TokyoDexのイベントでいつもお世話になっているTama Tsuboiさんと一緒にイベントを開催します。森戸海岸から徒歩2分のカフェなので、アートと音楽を満喫してから、ビーチに沈む夕日を眺めましょう!また、弊社のMural Rookies Projectの一環として、アーティストのErica Wardがカフェに壁画を描く予定です。イベントの詳細はこちらです。スペースに限りがありますので、ご予約はFacebookで出席の確認をお願いします。

On August 21, TokyoDex is co-hosting an event at moshimo cafe in Hayama with our good friend Tama Tsuboi who has made numerous appearances at previous Dex events. Artist Erica Ward will also be painting a mural at the cafe as part of our Mural Rookies Project. moshimo cafe is a 2-minute walk from Morito Kaigan, so come join us for some great art & music and then catch the sunset on the beach! Event details are here. Space is limited, so please RSVP on Facebook to make a reservation.

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