August 2023 DexNews
Workshops with Nakano Ward!

ウォールアートで東京の中野区を彩るプロジェクト 「中野ミューラルプロジェクト」にTokyoDexは参画しています。鍋横区民活動センターの外壁を、希望あふれるアートで彩るため、地域の子どもたちが作品のアイディア出しをするワークショップを開催。小学校高学年から中学生たちには、「未来の中野の街」をテーマに、理想の街の様子を描いてもらいました。幼児から小学生低学年たちは、「未来のヘンテコな生き物を産み出そう」をテーマに、指や腕を使って絵の具を広げ、ユニークな生物を作り上げました。

TokyoDex is actively involved in the Nakano Mural Project, an exciting initiative aimed at beautifying Nakano Ward in Tokyo through wall art. Our journey to activate the outer walls of the Nabeyoko Kumin Katsudo Center began with workshops organized for local youths. These workshops provided a creative platform for young minds to develop their own style of artistic creations. For these aspiring artists, ranging from upper elementary to junior high school levels, the main theme was to imagine a "Nakano of the Future." The students were tasked with illustrating their ideal urban landscapes, and they enthusiastically sketched with fierce imagination. In parallel, the workshop for the younger group, consisting of toddlers and early elementary school students, embraced the playful theme of "Creating Unique Future Creatures." In this session, the young talents used their fingers and hands as brushes, adding vibrant strokes to the canvas that brought to life a variety of distinct and imaginative beings.

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Daniel Participated as a Judge in the “iU InnoPro Pitchfest.”


Our CEO and Creative Director Daniel Harris Rosen had the honor of serving as a judge in the iU Innovation Pro Pitchfest held at iU University, a new university dedicated to nurturing entrepreneurs and innovators in their pursuit of creating groundbreaking businesses! The event showcased a diverse array of students' business ideas, each brimming with freshness and profound inspiration. iU University is a leading institute specializing in Information Management Innovation, empowering aspiring professionals to excel in their respective fields.

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株式会社ハルと合同トークイベント & ワークショップを開催
"Branding x Art" Joint Talk & Workshop with HARU Inc. 

7/7に、ブランディングのスペシャリスト・株式会社ハルと合同で「ブランディング x アート」のイベントを開催しました。企業のブランディングにどうアートを活用できるのかについてトークした後、参加者様とワークショップも行いました。参加者の皆さん、ありがとうございました。今後も魅力的なイベントやワークショップを開催しますので、ご期待ください!また、多くの反響を受けて、同様のトークイベントや講演依頼をお受けすることになりました。TokyoDexとのコラボに興味のある方は、 までお気軽にご連絡ください!

We are thrilled to share the success of our recent event, a joint "Branding x Art" seminar and workshop, in collaboration with the esteemed branding specialists haru Inc. On July 7th, we engaged in a thought-provoking discussion on how art can impact corporate branding strategies. Haru Inc. shared valuable insights and expertise, shedding light on the creative fusion of branding and art. Following the talk, we conducted an interactive workshop, fostering a dynamic environment for all participants to explore practical applications of artistic elements in corporate branding. Due to the overwhelming positive response, we are excited to announce that we are now open to accepting requests for speaking engagements at similar talk events. If you or your organization is interested in collaborating with us, please feel free to reach out to us at Thank you to all who participated, and stay tuned for more engaging events and workshops in the future!

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