Where writers come
together to create.
eWriteabout August 2024
The Gold Coast Writers' Association is a volunteer-run
not-for-profit organisation.

Our mission is to encourage and support writers from all genres, age groups and levels of experience to grow, learn and excel in their craft.
We meet on the third Saturday of the month. 
Editor's Note

Hello and Happy August!

I hope the last month has been a productive one and that you’ve been working towards your writing goals with the help of our critique groups and perhaps the sizzling romance Write & Sip event! If you’d like to know more about the host, AK Leigh, who is not only an Australian romance author but also an Amazon #1 bestselling non-fiction author, professional writing coach and PhD researcher, then please go to www.fallinlovewithleigh.com.

You may also have been inspired by the guest speaker at our July meeting, Janeen Vosper. If you were unable to go to the meeting, or if you are new to GCWA, then please click herefor the insights from Janeen’s presentation, Unlocking Success: The Essential Role of Personal Branding for Authors. This is also where you will find the three winning short stories from our competition – Congratulations to our winners!

Or maybe you’ve just been relaxing and enjoying the fabulous winter here on the Gold Coast. No matter what you’ve been up to, if you’re captivated by suspense and intrigue, this month’s guest speakers from ‘Sisters in Crime’ are sure to have you on the edge of your seat!

Jackie Washington, GCWA Editor
President's Report

Dear GCWA members and friends,

What a busy community we have. I was overjoyed to see so many members and guests standing up at the beginning of our July meeting to share their good news with us. At the time of writing, we had 152 current financial members. Such a growth lately in not only membership but booked-out critique groups and a packed Write & Sip. Not to mention a record crowd of 64 people at our July meeting.

We are living by our GCWA goals – to Create, Inspire and Connect. Well done to everyone for being a part of this incredible momentum of creativity. I recently had some wonderful news to share. My manuscript, The Paris Artists, longlisted for the Whitsundays Literary Heart Awards, Gloria Burley Award for Best Unpublished Manuscript. I was excited for my little fiction book to get some love. Writing friends have been so supportive. Their motto is: ‘A win for one is a win for all.’

I think this sentiment sums us up perfectly. We are each other’s greatest cheerleaders. Even in this month of great news, I had three rejections in three days. Must say, it hit a little harder than it should have. But who did I have to turn to, yes, my writing tribe, who pulled me out of my little pity party and reminded me it is all part of the process.

So, let’s keep cheering each other on and pulling each other forward. Your wins and good news are wins for us all. Keep them coming.

Kellie Cox, GCWA President 
Create, Inspire, Connect.
Get To Know Your Committee

Rochelle Miller: GCWA Executive Secretary and Member Secretary

My interest in writing extends back to my primary school days. I was so chuffed when my teacher read a story I wrote and laughed out loud. Someone 'got' my writing, and therefore understood me, and that felt good.
Being on the committee feels a bit the same. Not only have I found my tribe with GCWA, but I now get to contribute towards this incredible community in a way I hope helps our writers to also feel like they have found their tribe.

I enjoy being part of a team who are passionate about helping other writers learn the skills of their craft and provide inspiration towards achieving their writing goals.

Create, Inspire, Connect.
The GCWA meets on the third Saturday of each month.

We are at our usual meeting place at the

111-136 Christine Ave, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220

Click here for the Google Maps location


  • 11:45 Arrive and register
  • 12:00 Meeting start – brief announcements
  • 12:10 Sisters in Crime Panel
  • 13:15 Tea and networking break
  • 13:45 Workshop – How to Write a Captivating Villain
  • 14:40 Raffle draw
  • 15:00 Close
Members are encouraged to arrive at 11:45 to complete the entry process so we can start on time. If you have flu-like symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home and get better quickly.

GCWA members: $5.00
Visitors: $10.00

EFTPOS payment preferred; however, cash is accepted.


Guest Presenters

Our August panel will discuss all things crime – whether it is psychological thriller, dark and mysterious or cosy, suburban killers. Find out about one of the most commercial and popular genres in fiction writing. Our panel from Sisters in Crime will include Georgia Harper, JP Powell and Harrie Blake. We will hear how the stories come together and how to write a page-turning crime novel. Be ready for all your questions about crime and thriller writing to be answered.


Following the break, our workshop will be on How to Write a Captivating Villain. Every story of every genre needs to have the antagonist to your protagonist. The villain to your hero. These characters are complex, never simply all bad. Our readers want them to get their deserved ending but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t identify with them along the way. Be ready with pen and paper to learn how to write a great antagonist. 

For more information, please click here

To read the winning short stories click here

We love sharing news from our GCWA members to shine the spotlight on new work, awards and publishing wins from local writers. Here's just a taste of the success in and around the Gold Coast writing community in recent weeks.

Congratulations to our GCWA President, Kellie Cox, for having her manuscript, The Paris Artists, longlisted for the Whitsundays Literary Heart Awards, Gloria Burley Award for Best Unpublished Manuscript – very exciting news!

And some more exciting news is the release of Beyond the Dreaming by Mary Groves. In this sequel to her 2011 best-selling autobiography An Outback Life, this memoir combines Aboriginal and European spirituality in an epic search for enlightenment. To find out more, please visit outbackandbeyond.au. Congratulations, Mary!

If you have exciting GCWA member news to share, please email our Association Editor at gcwa.editor@gmail.com with all the details.

Critique Groups for August 2024

The Gold Coast Writers' Association Critique Group aims to help its members improve the readability of their work. Giving and receiving feedback on our work can be scary so we have a strict ‘Constructive Feedback Only’ rule.

Learn to give and receive feedback to improve your work in a friendly, positive space.

The Afternoon Critique Group
The afternoon meeting is Tuesday 20th August 2024 from 1.00 - 3.00 pm.
Please arrive in time for a 1.00 pm start.

The Evening Critique Group
The evening meeting is Thursday 22nd August 2024 from 5.30 - 7.30 pm.
Please arrive in time for a 5.30 pm start.

Cost: $10 includes a hot beverage.

Please join the Gold Coast Writers' Association to attend: Click here for more information on GCWA membership.

For bookings: head over to the Bookness Events page.

For more information: click here

If you have any questions, please email gcwa.secretary2022@gmail.com

What is Ekphrasis?

Ekphrastic poetry has come to be defined as poems written about works of art; however, in ancient Greece, the term ekphrasis was applied to the skill of describing a thing with vivid detail. 

We’re going to expand the concept further to encompass any writing inspired by an artwork. Consider it fan fiction for your fave artist.

Join GCWA member Penny Fields-Schneider for the August Ekphrastic Writing Workshop at HOTA Gallery at 2pm on Sat 24 August. Penny, who also writes books about the art world, is filling in for Christine Betts while she's swanning all over Europe.

For more information and to buy tickets, please head to the HOTA website
GCWA Members are invited to show an Expression of Interest in selling their books at a pop-up bookstore at The Pines Shopping Centre on 24th August.
For more information, please
click here.
Thank you to our generous prize donors
The donations for our July raffles came from:
Main prize - basket of goodies from Cr Dan Doran

Gift Voucher from GCWA to the July Write and Sip event
valued at $20 

Member Stacey King donated her daughter Brynley King's cookery book called 'Going Coconuts'

And perfume, aftershave and various books donated by GCWA

DANZ Boldly Launches Into Its Second Year!

The ASLA Diversity in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand Children’s Book Award is back for 2025 to celebrate and spotlight even more underrepresented children’s book creators!

Following a hugely successful first year, The ASLA DANZ Award, previously The DANZ Award, is returning bigger and better in its quest to reward and celebrate diverse and ground-breaking children’s literature. In 2025, there will be a focus on a greater range of books that push boundaries and challenge stereotypes, created by authors and illustrators from Australia and New Zealand. New and exciting partnerships with dynamic market leaders and changemakers will also be announced in the coming months as the award looks set to become a respected and well-known brand as well as a go-to resource.

For more information, check out the GCWA website


If you would like to order a GCWA badge with your name and member number, email our treasurer at gcwa.executivetreasurer@gmail.com with your preferred name.

Then deposit $15.00 into the GCWA General Account
BSB: 034-279
ACC: 435356
using your surname and 'badge' as a reference.

Or you can place your order directly with us at the
Saturday meeting.
Each month the Gold Coast Libraries offer
brilliant workshops and author talks.


Local Author Talk: Martin Winter

  • Saturday, 10 August 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Meet local author Martin Winter as he talks about his captivating debut novel ‘The First Quran’.

The Name of the Rose meets The Da Vinci Code, this well-researched mystery novel will appeal to readers who enjoy thrillers and have an interest in history and religion.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Author Series: Meg Keneally

  • Monday, 12 August 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Meet historical fiction author Meg Keneally, back with her latest colonial page-turner, 'Free'.

Meet the author live in person at Runaway Bay Library, as she chats about the novel, her cast of characters and the rich world she has painstakingly depicted.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Tales from Kings Cross

  • Tuesday, 13 August 2024 | 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Join ex-Kings Cross security guard Mick Malone as he shares stories of his time working in Sydney.

Mick Malone is a Gold Coast resident and local author. Mick will be discussing his writing process and sharing stories from his work as a security guard in King’s Cross and how they inspired him to write ‘The Wounded: Morality Tale’.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Author Series: Andy Griffiths

  • Thursday, 15 August 2024 | 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Andy will be treating Gold Coast kids and their families to a special storytelling session and performance about his new book and adventure series, 'Adventures Unlimited: The Land of Lost Things'.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Author Series: Dr Norman Swan

  • Wednesday, 21 August 2024 | 06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Join Dr Norman Swan live in conversation about his new book 'So You Want to Know What’s Good for Your Kids?' 

Don’t miss your chance to meet Norman Swan live in conversation with ABC Gold Coast’s Bern Young, and get a new appreciation of the decisions that can make your kids the best they can be.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Discover a Debut Author: Melanie Saward

  • Saturday, 31 August 2024 | 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Discover the debut friends-to-lovers rom-com 'Love Unleashed' from proud Bigambul author Melanie Saward.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries
Gold Coast Libraries and the Queensland Writers Centre have teamed up to offer Gold Coast writers a space to cultivate their habit of writing and connect with other writers in the community. Following the Pomodoro Technique, Writing Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are a free, volunteer-led program for local writers at all levels.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

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Website Advertising for 1 year (Non-Member)


Email gcwa.websitemanager@gmail.com for details of specifications required

Support your local Independent book store.

GCWA MEMBERS Mention your membership at Big B Books
in Burleigh Heads to receive 10% off books.
Open notebook on a table next to a cup of tea

Would you like to be a member of the GCWA?

The Gold Coast Writers' Association aims to support and encourage writers of all levels, across all genres. We welcome writers and readers to share their experiences and connect with a wider audience.

Here are some of the benefits of joining the Association:

  • Gain access to the ‘Members Only’ Facebook page where you can connect with other members and find useful writing resources.
  • Promote and sell your books through associated avenues.
  • Receive members’ rates at all GCWA special events.
  • Network and collaborate with individuals across all levels of writing.
  • Benefit from opportunities to meet and socialise with like-minded people in a friendly environment.
More GCWA membership information here ...
People sitting at a desk in a conference room
Come and join us on the GCWA Facebook page and members, be sure to join the
Gold Coast Writers’ Association Members group.

We'd love your feedback! If you have some tips and suggestions for the committee, please email Kellie on gcwa.president@gmail.com and if you love the GCWA, head over to our Facebook page and give us your 5-star review.

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GCWA Membership
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PO Box 3235, Robina Town Centre Qld 4230

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