An Aussie lifestyle influencer and mum-of-two has revealed her family’s new puppy has been tragically killed in a freak accident. WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT
The thunderstorm that hit WA on Saturday prompted more than 200 calls to emergency services as roofs were ripped off properties and trees fell on homes and cars. SEE THE PICS
A Bunbury resident has recalled the moment Saturday’s ‘freak weather event’ smashed his home, saying the noise was like the ‘blast of an atomic bomb’. 
Revolutionary weightloss injections such as Ozempic reduce the risk of some of the most common and deadly cancers, a major study suggests.
Bizarre claims about the former home of Elvis Presley have rocked his family and friends and left Memphis unsettled
Just when we thought peak TV might be over, along came 2024, proving there are still a wealth of excellent new shows worth sinking our teeth into. Here’s our pick of the very best of the year so far.
The Lord Of The Rings star literally put his life on the line for a new series coming to Seven. STM spoke to the risk-taking star about what this meant for him and wife Katy Perry.
You can take the renovator out of the project, but you can’t take the project out of the renovator. That’s what Lana Taylor quickly realised when she took on judging duties for Seven’s new Dream Home.

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