Restore Backup from 2012 to 2017 GTM - Hi Everyone I'm trying to restore a backup that was taken from a 2012 SQL Server and restore to a SQL...
Alternative for Polling Record State - We currently have a payment tracking system which uses MS SQL Server Enterprise. When a client requests a service, he...
DDL statements getting rollbacked - Hi All, Can we rollback DDL statements as well (create, drop, alter,truncate etc...)???? As per my knowledge in sql 2000 we...
Lock on SQL data rows - Hi, Can some one please help how can I acquire lock on rows while it is being worked by some one. My...
Connecting to an Availability Group - Hello, I'm setting up a 2016 ENT Availability Group with 2 VMs. I want to better understand my connection options. Server Names:...
Ola Hallengren's Maintenance question - I have a SQL server 2016 server that uses Ola Hallengren's Maintenance solution, Yesterday I got an alert SQL Server Alert...
Always on failover clustering - I'm a total rookie at clustering, so of course we will be starting a project requiring this feature soon. Are there...
Always On Availability Groups Failover Question - Hi, I'm curious if anyone knows the answer to this off the top of their head since I'm not able to...
Quick and Easy write back interface for Business users - Hi, I'm part of a small DW/BI team using SQL 2008( upgrading to 2016 in a couple of months) + tableau...
Missing Indexes via Extended events - Is there a way to identify missing indexes via extended events ?
Wildcard in IN statement - I'm using a function to convert a users comma separated list of values to a table to use in a...
update query help - Hi Experts, Need some TSQL help. We have guids in our env and want to get rid of it down...
convert date to numeric - Hello, I have a excel document that contains 4 digit numbers in a column. Sometimes these numbers come in as dates. ...
Efficient way to count distinct - I am trying to get a query to run which counts distinct values for two columns. I have a temp table named #Paid...
HELP NEEDED: SQL server always on availability group - Connection string parameter - Hi all, I have several SQL instances, few with Always on AG activated and few with out Always on AG group. I...
stop delete trigger firing when i'm doing an "admin delete" - Sometimes I don't quite have the right words to google or ask for help with …. please bear with. I am...
how can I get uniqueidentifier value as return after insert a record - Hi... how can I get uniqueidentifier value as return after insert a record.
how to troubleshoot this issue??? function failing with error - Hi All, Need some tips to troubleshoot below issue. we are seeing below error Intermitently and the error automatically gets...
Older posts - (new to SQLServerCentral, bear with me) I have a situation where a SQL Server reboots itself nightly. Looking for answers as...
Dilemma between Microsoft BI developer or Application Developer - I am stuck in a dilemma; at my workplace I have to choose my career track between as Microsoft BI...