What will you learn at Automotive Tech Week: Europe?
Automotive Tech Week: Europe
September 13 - 17, 2021
Automotive Tech Week: Europe Registration Now Open!
Colleague, this September, Automotive Tech Week: Europe (formerly known as TU-Automotive Europe) will bring you expert insight on industry-defining trends:


Taking place online from September 13-17, 2021, there will be 5 days of sessions spread across 2.5 hours a day, led by experts across the industry on topics from the above trends.
Tell us your thoughts on the future of Automotive in Europe! The surveywill take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. To say thank you, upon completion, you will be sent a promo code for 20% off!
Panel Discussion: How Will We Actually Use EVs? 
  • Are we currently trying to fit EVs into the ICE use mould? If so, how can redefining the future driving experience enable automakers to develop products better suited to this ‘new normal’ in transportation? 
  • How can differentiating vehicle use by length and frequency of trips enable OEMs to better market different types of EVs to their most suited audience? 
Panel Discussion: 5G C-V2X – Paving the Road to Autonomy   
  • How will 5G C-V2X carve the path towards improving automotive safety and autonomous driving? 
  • What kind of innovation and new services will we see when 5G – CV2X comes to fruition? 
  • What will the winning technology look like and will there be regional barriers? 
Panel Discussion: Navigating the Herd Effect in the Software-Defined Race 
  • Software driven products and features are now a defining element of an automakers brand. How can OEMs narrow down on their offerings to strengthen their consumer identity?  
  • Automotive is rapidly evolving, as are in-vehicle capabilities. To what extent can OEMs provide unique and innovative software driven features without straying too far from the safety net of the automaker herd? 
Panel Discussion: The Changing Industry Approach to Partnerships & Cross Collaborations Between OEMs 
  • Collaboration in the industry is accelerating. How will automakers continue to offer their customers unique experiences while still joining forces with each other, third parties and start ups? 
  • In what ways can automakers differentiate themselves when bringing their product to market and still adopt open ecosystems such as Google & Amazon? 
Panel Discussion: Digital Transformation – Using Data as an Asset 
  • How can data be used to not only create a more personalised experience for your customer but also help to inform smarter business decisions? 
  • Learn how successful automakers use current customer data to design future product lines 
Tell us your thoughts on the future of Automotive in Europe! The surveywill take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. To say thank you, upon completion, you will be sent a promo code for 20% off!