EDUwire Daily Update


May 5, 2017

  EDUwire Daily Update
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EduWire Daily Editorial Team
Margot Douaihy - Editorial Director
Phone: (212) 378-0400 x 538
  Today's Top Stories
1. The AV/IT College Standings Program– Open for Voting
via AV Network
We’re used to seeing rankings of colleges according to their status in providing the “best” education for students, in broad terms, in value terms, with generic– if vague– criteria. And we’ve seen evaluation of “technology schools” like engineering or computer science schools–with the focus on the quality or value of the tech degree conferred by those institutions. But why has there not been a closer look how a college or university uses technology in any school, department, discipline, or application to help students, staff, or faculty have a richer learning/teaching experience? Now there is.
Why This Matters: You won’t want to miss this new publication from NewBay Media. Check out the digital edition of the AV/IT College Standings — it contains links to cast your vote.
2. Student-Centricity and the Amazon Experience: Evolving IT to Meet Students’ Expectations
via The EvoLLLution
Convenience today is more important than ever. Customers in every industry expect near-immediate responsiveness, self-service abilities and on-demand access to information. Though this is certainly not a new trend, colleges and universities have only been shifting to adapt to this trend over the past five to ten years.
Why This Matters: Student-centricity requires new IT strategies. The EvoLLLution brings us a list of steps we can follow to craft an experience that is more in line with the kind of service students have learned expect through their dealings with companies like Amazon.
3. 3 Reasons Your Campus Wi-Fi is Slow
via EdTech Magazine
In higher education, when Wi-Fi isn’t working as expected, an institution’s support lines light up and social media feeds are filled with complaints. Problems can escalate quickly, leaving universities and colleges scrambling to find a fix.
Why This Matters: Is your campus plagued by Wi-Fi woes? This solid advice from EdTech Magazine could help provide a quick fix to your problems.

4. Our Journey to Gigabit Wi-Fi (EdTech Digest)
5. Guidelines and Policy - Social Media at Your University (Inside Higher Ed)
6. Why 2U Decided to Buy a Little-Known South-African Company for $103M (EdSurge)
7. Dean: Here’s how eTextbooks are leading to higher completion rates (eCampus News)
8. Purdue's Kaplan Purchase: Shoring Up the '21st-Century Land-Grant Mission’ (Campus Technology)
9. How 5,000 students will go whale watching with biologists in real time (EdScoop)
10. What Employers Think of Online Degrees (U.S. News & World Report)
  Blog Quote Of The Day
TULIP: the Theoretical Upper Limit of Impact of Products
"If we don’t have a notion of the maximum potential impact these kinds of tools can have on measures we care about, how can we judge their effectiveness? For example, if the upper bound is +0.43 letter grades then we would interpret a product achieving a lift of +0.2 letter grades in one way. But if the the upper bound is actually +1.7 letter grades, we would interpret that same lift of +0.2 letter grades in an entirely different way." —David Wiley, iterating toward openness
  Today's Top Tweet
Excited to read … by @gpritter and Sylvia Cini. #CBE challenges!

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