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Asian Legal Business is proud to announce that it has published the ALB Legal Guide to the Greater Bay Area 2021.

This guide, which took over six months to put together, provides guidance to companies on coping with complex issues arising from the application of laws across multiple jurisdictions within the vibrant Greater Bay Area, which includes three different legal and tax systems. This Guide also provides practical information and key knowhow from practitioners well-versed with laws in the local market. Topics include:  

  • Capital markets
  • Cross-border M&A
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Anti-corruption and compliance
  • Limited Partnership Funds

And more.

The list of contributors and supporting organizations include East & Concord Partners, Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm, Ince, Jingtian & Gongcheng, LC Lawyers, Maples Group, P.C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D., Steptoe, as well as Tahota Law Firm.

To request for a softcopy of the Guide, please click here to provide your details.

To purchase a hardcopy of the Guide, please email to Rozi at Rozidah.jambari@tr.com.

**Please note the following terms and conditions in relation to requesting and receiving the Guide:

  1. By submitting a request for the free copy of the Guide, you consent to have ALB collect your personal data, which can be later used for future updates and notifications for ALB.
  2. It is your responsibility to ensure that all information provided by you is accurate. We will not be sending the Guide to personal email addresses. 
  3. ALB reserves the right to take the final decision as to whether to send you digital copy of the Guide.


  • 资本市场
  • 跨境并购
  • 争议解决
  • 反腐败与合规
  • 有限合伙基金

为这本《指南》撰稿并提供支持的机构包括:天达共和律师事务所、广东连越律师事务所、英士律师事务所、竞天公诚律师事务所、林朱律师事务所、Maples Group、中伦文德胡百全(前海)联营律师事务所、Steptoe,以及泰和泰律师事务所(以上律所按英文名首字母顺序排列)。


若您希望购买该《指南》的印刷版,请邮件联络 Rozidah.jambari@tr.com
  1. 提交免费获取ALB指南的申请后,即代表您许可ALB收集所涉及的相关个人信息,且该信息将之后被用于向您发送ALB的其他更新及通知。
  2. 您有责任提供准确的联络信息。我们将不对任何私人邮箱地址发送该指南
  3. ALB保留是否向您发送该指南的最终决定权。

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