Upcoming Events This Month
at Avatar Club Los Angeles


Next Avatar Public Monthly Program
Wednesday August 23, 2017 @ 8:30pm
Predicament Bondage by Midori

A unique form of bondage where strategy, physical and psychological insights, gamesmanship, wit, slyness, humor and creativity converge. It can challenge the bottom's endurance, physical, sexual or psychological states and more. Predicament scenes will be illustrated through devious scenes and demos. 

Midori is a renowned educator and writer on sexuality. She is an artistic visionary who has touched lives across the globe with her expertise in sexuality, personal fulfillment, and kinky adventures. Using her "head-heart-hands" methodology, she facilitates tackling challenging topics and creating space where people are allowed individual self-exploration. 

MCC in the Valley, 5730 Cahuenga Blvd, North Hollywood

Next Avatar Boot Camp
Saturday August 26, 2017

Session 1: Erotic Power Exchange
12:00PM - 3:00 PM

Many men who enter the BDSM world and learn the technique of a specific fetish, don't know how to begin a scene. Erotic Power Exchange is the consensual transferring of your personal power to another, or conversely accepting another person's power willingly.

This class will discuss and have hands on activities to explore what is Sado-masochism, what you need to begin a scene, taking control or offering submission, signals, safety, and limits of a scene to name just a few topics.

Session 2: Clips Clamps and Clothespins
12:00PM - 3:00PM

They're readily available, they're cheap and they can be found everywhere. They can be applied in in almost every situation and on most parts of the body. Plus, in most cases they're harmless and don't leave any lasting marks. You put them on with your fingers but you can take them off in as many ways as you can think of... Come and find out about the sensual art of Clips, Clamps and Clothespins.

Session 3: Bondage for the Greater Good
3:00PM - 6:00PM

Bondage for the sake of bondage is great for the top and bottom that enjoys bondage only scenes. But if you want bondage to be the means to more, this is the class for you! A well bound bottom can be used for scenes that expose the bottom, position him, make him vulnerable to what comes next. We will explore different ways and position to tie a bottom so that he can be used for more use. A well bound bottom can be ready to experience electricity, flogging, wax, fisting and much more!

Mens hands on education as only Avatar can do. $20 per class.

Tickets On Sale Now!

Visit our website for details on the above Avatar events and all upcoming events at Avatar Club Los Angeles.

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