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Trialing new tech before you buy it helps reduce costly purchase mistakes

A pre-buy trial allows you to uncover potential issues and determine how well a solution will work for your organization. Here are seven practical tips for making "try-and-buy" work for you.

Additional TechRepublic resources

61% of tech workers feel underpaid, especially at these 20 companies

How to start an IoT project at your company

Top executives often defy security best practices: Here are their worst offenses

Quantum computing: Seven truths you need to know

New from Tech Pro Research

Payroll services comparison tool

For SMBs, hiring a service to handle payroll calculation, processing, and documentation can save valuable time and resources. This comparison chart, with sample information, provides a framework for comparing potential services.

Download spotlight

IT pro’s guide to the evolution and impact of 5G technology (free PDF)

5G, the next generation of mobile tech, is still a ways off from becoming a commercial platform. But the momentum is building, as research and trials, industry partnerships, equipment development, and standards approvals push the technology forward. This ebook offers a look at what 5G is promising to offer and how its progress is unfolding.

Featured survey

What are your company's tech spending priorities for 2019? How can IT vendors better assist you with your budgetary process? Answers these questions and more in this quick survey from sister site Tech Pro Research and get a free copy of the report.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Data, AI, IoT--The future of retail

The digital transformation of retail shopping brings many of the benefits of e-commerce into brick-and-mortar, and results are just as disruptive.

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