RPS presents The Weekly Review On RPS Presents The Weekly Review this month, we welcomed up-coming musical star Bikôkô to our studios, explained elaborate Taylor Swift conspiracy theories and contemplated bad taste, guilty pleasures and the bimbofication of the modern world. Two grown men, Johann Wald and Ben Cardew, and a bright young mind, Mar Vallverdú, keeping up with popular culture. So you don’t have to. All episodes available here. He'd better not swear, he'd better think twice; Banterclaus is coming to town, on Songs of Insolence. It's Andy Votel, putting the "grot" in Santa's grotto, as he brought us December's dose of music that just won't behave itself. December’s episode of DJ Detweiler’s Weird Flex is home to a collection of tracks that feature non-human voices, selected by Spanish artist Agnès Pe. Expect the finest barks, meows, moos, neighs and other animal expressions. In this episode of The Garden of Forking Paths, DJ Apologetic talks to Kenyan sound artist, KMRU, about his recent album, Jar, the joys and frustrations of field recording and moving to Berlin in the midst of the pandemic. Fari B is an Iranian sound artist who works with sculpture, broadcast and performance in live venues with improvisational musicians. This mix for Selector After Dark features everything from Yello to Salif Keita. On a special video episode of RPS Presents, Johann Wald caught up with Dev, founding member of IDLES, to talk about dealing with post-tour blues and sleeping rough on the cold streets of London in winter. All captured in beautiful Zoom-o-vision! Podcast also available here. De conformidad con el Reglamento Europeo de Privacidad 679/2016 y la Ley Orgánica te informamos que los datos personales que has facilitado han pasado a formar parte de un fichero responsabilidad de PRIMAVERA SOUND S.L. y que tiene por finalidad la segmentación de perfil y envío de newsletter informativa que puede contener aspectos publicitarios propios. El delegado de Protección de datos es UNIVER IURIS S.L. (www.uneon.es).Tus datos serán conservados mientras estés dado de alta en el e-mailing. Puedes ejercer los derechos de de acceso, limitación, portabilidad, reclamación a la autoridad Española de Protección de Datos, supresión u olvido, rectificación, cancelación y oposición al tratamiento de datos o recepción de e-mailing en el e-mail lopd@primaverasound.com o en el domicilio sito en C/ Roc Boronat 142, 3ª planta, 08018 de Barcelona. Daremos respuesta a cualquier petición. |