I’ve got a quick exercise for you today to help you get unstuck and make more progress in your business over the next 78 days than you have all year. But I’ll warn you in advance… It won’t be comfortable. But it will be worth it. First… I want you to think of a BIG win you’ve had. Something you absolutely dominated. . That left you saying to yourself, “Woah… I REALLY did that?” It could be a presentation you made at an event… A viral piece of content you created… Or something as simple as sticking to a diet or training program after dozens of failed attempts. Live into that moment for just a second and let it soak in. THAT… ...Is you. THAT is what you’re capable of. But… There’s one single factor that stops you from operating at that level 100% of the time. You’re allowing your excuses and justifications to get in your way. … Because it’s easier to create alibis for failure and mediocrity than it is to accept extreme ownership over your life and results. And it’s easier to come up with excuses for why you can’t succeed… ...Then it is to accept that you simply aren’t (yet) willing to pay the price for success. I hear it all the time from new clients and readers… “Maybe this system will work for THAT person (and the 5,000+ other success stories)... ... but there’s no way it’ll work for my business/life/marriage because I’m different.” Or… “I’m just not lucky like that person… they’re succeeding because of their parents/genetics/eye color/other excuse.” Now… before you feel too bad about yourself. Remember that EVERYONE does this. Even the highest achievers you and I know. For example… Years ago, when my buddy Bedros Keuilian was struggling with chronic anxiety attacks… He convinced himself that he “wasn’t a morning person.” And so he’d start his days at 9 am and struggle to accomplish any meaningful work unless he stayed at the office well into the evening. But when I challenged this belief and got him to fix his mornings… Getting up earlier and doing the uncomfortable deep work he needed to take his business to the next level… … His anxiety disappeared and his business took off. And when YOU stop convincing yourself that you’re different or special… That something won’t work for you… or that other people just have it better or easier and life is out to get you… Your life can change almost overnight. When you simply show up and put in the work… finding the right systems and following them to a “t” Again… and again… and again until you get the results you’re after. The score will take care of itself. Like my client Sam Robson, who 4X’d his income while all but eliminating his stress in only a few months. Or Tim Sum, who worried that being a busy father would stop him from reaching the success he wanted… … But trusted the system and now has more time, freedom, and income than ever. (These days, he’d probably tell you he’s succeeding because he’s a busy father). Or my friend Jason Ferruggia, who was able to cut his work hours in half while adding $300k to his bottom line… Here’s the thing… In 2020… With all of the uncertainty around the economy, the election, the global politics, the environment and pretty much everything else… It’s easy to let the chaos of the year become another alibi for failure and mediocrity. But the truth is… Thousands, if not millions of other people are finding a way to get resourceful, resilient, and relentless… ...And continuing to thrive and prosper despite the craziness of 2020. And so can you. But only if you are willing to get rid of the excuses and justifications and start playing to WIN instead of playing not to lose. Just like my clients did. NONE of these people are special (just don’t tell them I said that)... They don’t have any special gifts or unique talents that you don’t. They simply made a choice. A choice to show up day after day and put in the work… ...No matter how many excuses your brain concocts or what the headlines say on Fox News or CNN. And the good news is… you can make that same choice today. By the way… You still have the opportunity to invest in my Double Your Profits program before the price shoots up Saturday at midnight. I’m serious about helping as many people as possible during these crazy times… And decided to offer my flagship program for a ridiculous 85% discount. If you’re still on the fence… My challenge to you is to consider what we talked about today… ...To consider how many other entrepreneurs (who are no smarter or better than you are) have transformed their lives with this system. And stop asking yourself “What if it doesn’t work?” And start asking “What happens when it does?” >>> Just click here to get instant access to the system and transform your life with social selling today. To Your Success, Craig PS - If it really doesn't work for you after you go through the program and implement everything I teach... ...I'll give you your money back no questions asked. (Just FYI I've never had a single customer who actually went through the course and took action on it request a refund). So you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. |