TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 24, 2016

This Unintended Consequence of Obamacare Could Cost You Big Time

By Larry Schwartz, AlterNet

Not many people know it can be cheaper to pay cash even if you have health insurance. READ MORE»

When Panties Are a Stand-In for Feminism, Because Capitalism Says So

By Andi Zeisler, PublicAffairs Books

Nothing like capitalism to reduce a movement to a market for trendy new products and slogans. READ MORE»

Abigail Fisher's Supreme Court Loss: A Massive Blow to Mediocre White People Coasting on Their Racial Privilege

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Abigail Fisher's anti-affirmative-action case rested on the assumption that white people deserve priority over others. READ MORE»

The Media Keeps Legitimizing the GOP—Regardless of Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Nativism, Gun Addiction, and Now Fascism

By Neal Gabler, Moyers and Company

Donald Trump is a distraction from the fact that the mainstream media has pretended the GOP is a normal party with values just to the right. READ MORE»

Why We Can't Hide From the Psychological and Emotional Trauma of the Israeli Occupation on Palestinians

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

Two books go way beyond the U.S. mainstream media's attempt to be "evenhanded."  READ MORE»

LGBTQ Community Now 'Most Likely Target of Hate Crimes' in America

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

In the past year, hate crimes against the group have risen by 20 percent. READ MORE»

Tramps Against Trump Will Send You Nude Pictures for Voting Against Donald Trump

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Incentivizing political engagement in new and unexpected ways.  READ MORE»

Why Did It Take 15 Months to Get the Legal Medical Marijuana I Needed? Even in California, Doctors Are Still Behind

By Katie Klabusich, The Influence

We still have a long way to go before medical marijuana is properly recognized. READ MORE»

How a Trump University 'Coach' Ripped off a Student for $230,000 as Part of a Massive Ponzi Scheme

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

A Pittsburgh woman fell prey to a Ponzi schemer and convicted criminal who also just happened to work for Trump University. READ MORE»

The Kochs' Biggest Joke—Billionaires Pretend to Care About Inequality in Latest Ad Blitz

By Sam Pizzigati,

A campaign from America’s most notorious billionaires is tugging at our heartstrings—and distorting the debate over inequality.  READ MORE»

Watch: Abortion Providers 'Trapped' in America's Reddest States and the Legal Team Fighting for Them

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

A new documentary investigates the far right's desperate attempt to undermine Roe v. Wade—block by block.  READ MORE»

10 Pop Songs You Never Knew Were About Masturbation

By Christina Drill, Revelist

Listen to this playlist the next time you find yourself in the mood for self-love.  READ MORE»

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