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InnerNet Weekly: Inspirations from

Emptiness Cafe
by Susan Kahn

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Life moves
Like shadow and light,
Instantaneously appearing,
Though I cannot find time itself.

Cities mirrored in thought,
Nothing standing alone.
There is no seer without the seen,
No thought without thing.

Subject and object inter-rise.
Feelings, perceptions, none self-made.
Not even the heart
Lights its own flame.

The separate self departs.
There are sensations, conversations,
Aromatic contemplations,
But no I to claim
This emptiness cafe.

About the Author: Susan Kahn teaches the philosophy and practice of Emptiness Teachings also known as Middle Way Buddhism or Madhyamaka. She is also a practicing psychotherapist.
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Emptiness Cafe
What does hanging out in the emptiness cafe mean to you? Can you share a personal experience where time disappeared and life appeared? What helps you see non-duality in duality?
Jagdish Dave wrote: Susan Kahn uses the metaphor of Emptiness Cafe to convey the idea of emptiness is fullness. The Spanish mystic John of the Cross calls 'unknowing" an ecstasy. Our mind is mostly dwelling on t...
David Doane wrote: Hanging out in the emptiness cafe means to me hanging out in awareness that no thing exists, only formless waves of energy that constantly move, change, interplay, come together, move apart. Time disa...

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