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InnerNet Weekly: Inspirations from

The Moment We Encounter True Happiness
by Ilie Cioara

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The moment we encounter true Happiness, we are in fact outside time and space. The “ego” – with its intrinsic duality – has completely disappeared.

In that moment, the Sacred within us, also existent in the whole universe, becomes one “Whole” and a Unique movement, in a permanent renewal.

Do we truly experience this union, or do we merely understand it intellectually? You alone can answer this question.

Each human being – from the moment of birth until the moment of the so-called death – persistently searches for this mysterious Happiness. Unfortunately, most people make the mistake of searching for it with the thinking mind.

Because Happiness has no motivations, It is not part of the limited world. Its nature is infinite; therefore the knowing mind cannot encounter It, or understand It, or imagine It.

Happiness comes to us by Itself, and It envelops our whole being when the mind becomes humble and silent, as it has understood its inability to encounter the Unknown.

Lucid Attention – with Its flashes – dissipates all the darkness, as well as the baggage of the dysfunctional mind.

In the empty space of peace or no-mind, our being is extended into Infinity; in that moment, the Divinity within us reveals we are one with the Source of the Sacred. In such an environment of “Pure Consciousness”, Happiness is present as a natural fulfillment and It is unlike anything that can be found in this perishable world.

About the Author:

Ilie Cioara was an [almost unknown] Romanian mystic who lived much of his life under Soviet occupation. As a result, his practice was solitary and hidden. He began his spiritual life as a Christian mystic, but at some point switched over to mantra meditation. After 20 years of practice, one day he felt an intuitive impulse to drop the mantra, and just practice the silence of the mind, by listening to the noises on the street, in the now. Much of his teachings were stowed away prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990. He taught quietly from that time until his death in 2004 (aged 88), and authored 16 books.

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The Moment We Encounter True Happiness
What does 'true Happiness' mean to you? Can you share a personal story of a time you were able to experience Happiness as a natural fulfillment and unlike anything that can be found in this perishable world? What helps you avoid the mistake of searching for Happiness with the thinking mind?
Jagdish P Dave wrote: We all have a deep longing for Happiness. It is the Sacred within us. It is an egoless Presence with no time and space boundaries. It is Universal. It is Within us. It is Divinity within us. It is Pur...
David Doane wrote: Wow, what an essay -- as I read, it began to be a meditation as I very much resonated with what IlieCioara wrote. To me, the closest I get to true happiness is when I get to my Source which is one wit...

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