In this issue, December 5, 2023 View it in your browser.

Amazon Q, PostgresML, AWS re:Invent Recap, Azure Chaos Studio, in-toto and TUF, Sentry License, Java Trends, ASP.NET Core 8.0, Transformers.js, DoorDash Mobile, HubSpot and Kafka, Staff+ Psychological Safety

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Sponsored by DoiT

Observability & Monitoring for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) - Sponsored by DoiT International

Observability & Monitoring for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK)

Whether you're already utilizing Apache Kafka-based applications or considering adopting Amazon MSK, this webinar will provide you with the knowledge to effectively observe and monitor your Amazon MSK workload to help ensure optimal performance and operational excellence. Live Webinar, December 14th, 2023 - Save your Seat.

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InfoQ Java Trends Report - November 2023

This report provides a summary of how the InfoQ Java editorial team and several Java Champions currently see the adoption of technology and emerging trends within the Java and JVM space in 2023. We focus on Java the language, as well as related languages like Kotlin and Scala, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and Java-based frameworks and utilities. (Trends Report)

InfoQ Java Trends Report 2023 - Discussing Insights with Mike Redlich

In this episode, Michael Redlich and Daniel Bryant discussed the recent publication of the InfoQ Java Trends Report. Topics covered included the release of Java 21, the adoption of Java virtual threads, the evolution of the Jakarta EE and Spring projects, and the development of community and ecosystems projects. (Podcast)

Lead Without Blame with Tricia Broderick

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Tricia Broderick, co-author with Diana Larsen of the book Lead Without Blame. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. AWS Announces Amazon Q, a New Generative AI–Powered Assistant

  2. Meta Announces Generative AI Models Emu Video and Emu Edit

PostgresML: Leveraging Postgres as a Vector Database for AI

Montana Low provides an understanding of how Postgres can be used as a vector database for AI and how it can be integrated into your existing application stack. (Presentation with transcript included)

Sponsored by Cockroach Labs


New Report | Architecting Distributed Transactional Applications

Learn how to architect highly available, highly efficient transactional applications with this free blueprint from O'Reilly. Discover approaches to deliver the elastic scale that always-on customer experiences depend on. Download now.


  1. Chaos Engineering Service Azure Chaos Studio Now Generally Available

  2. Partitioned Namespaces for Azure Service Bus Premium Are Now Generally Available

  3. Microsoft Brings AI to Logic Apps (Standard) with Workflow Assistant in Public Preview

Recap of AWS re:Invent 2023: Amazon Q, Frugal Architectures, Database Upgrades

The 12th edition of re:Invent has just ended in Las Vegas. As expected, artificial intelligence was a key topic of the conference, with Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Q, a new type of generative AI-powered assistant, the main focus of Adam Selipsky’s keynote. (News)

Sponsored by Microsoft Azure

Build Intelligent Apps - Sponsored by Microsoft Azure

Build Intelligent Apps

Combine AI, cloud-scale data, and cloud-native app development to create highly differentiated digital experiences. Start building and modernizing intelligent applications with Microsoft Azure. Learn more.

Securing the Software Supply Chain: How in-toto and TUF Work Together to Combat Supply Chain Attacks

Marina Moore covers the fundamentals of both in-toto and TUF, and discusses how to combine them with a real world case study where Datadog has been using two technologies together. (Presentation with transcript included)

Sponsored by Launch by NTT DATA

[Webinar] The Art of Product Centric Transformation - Sponsored by Launch by NTT DATA

[Webinar] The Art of Product Centric Transformation

This webinar examines why a product-centric approach is crucial for digital transformation and efficient IT teams, the challenges of implementation and how to overcome them, and the tools and techniques needed to increase the likelihood of transition success. Watch Now On-Demand.

Sentry Introduces Non-Open-Source Functional Source License

Sentry has recently announced the creation and adoption of the Functional Source License (FSL), a non-compete license that converts to Apache 2.0 or MIT after two years. Similar to the Business Source License (BSL) but with a shorter non-compete period and less variability, the new license received mixed feelings from the community. (News)

Sponsored by Lightbend


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  1. Javet 3.0.2 Released: Bridging Java and JavaScript with Enhanced Features

Java News Roundup: Spring Boot 3.2, Spring Pulsar 1.0, Hibernate 6.4, JEP 447 Targeted to JDK 22

This week's Java roundup for November 20th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, JCON World 2023, and point, milestone and GA releases for: Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Spring Security, Spring Authorization Server, Spring GraphQL, Spring Integration, Spring Session, Spring Vault, Quarkus, Hibernate ORM, Hibernate Search, Infinispan, JHipster, JBang, OpenXava, Testcontainers and Gradle. (News)

What's New in ASP.NET Core 8.0 : Performance, Blazor, AOT, Identity, Metrics and More

In the most recent release of .NET 8, ASP.NET Core undergoes substantial improvements, with a primary focus on elevating Performance and fortifying Blazor. Notable updates extend to AOT, Identity, SignalR, Metrics, and various other features, marking a significant leap forward for ASP.NET Core developers. (News)

Transformers.js: ML for the Web, Now with Text-to-Speech

Transformers.js, the JavaScript counterpart to the Python Transformers library, is designed for running Transformers models directly within web browsers, eliminating the necessity for external server processing. In the recent update to version 2.7, Transformers.js introduced enhancements, including notable text-to-speech (TTS) support. (News)


  1. Key Lessons for Mobile Release Management from DoorDash

Swift 5.9 Backtracer is Now Concurrency-Aware, Improves Readability and Linux Support

Besides extending the language through macros and borrow-stile memory management, Swift 5.9 also introduces some helpful features for program debugging, including an out-of-process crash handler, just-in-time debugging support, and backtracking to makes it easier to interpret control flow when using structured concurrency. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. ClickHouse Keeper: Efficient Apache ZooKeeper Alternative Created with C++ and Raft

  2. How HubSpot Uses Apache Kafka Swimlanes for Timely Processing of Workflow Actions

  3. Revolutionizing Digital Identity: How Verifiable Credentials Offer a New Era of Privacy and Control

Going Global: a Deep Dive to Build an Internationalization Framework

Internationalization (i18n) is a critical process in web development, and requires a robust, well-designed framework to ensure scalability. While some JavaScript libraries exist, this article provides a language-agonistic framework that can be implemented at a global level. (Article)

Performance: Adventures in Thread-per-Core Async with Redpanda and Seastar

John Spray describes an experience of building high performance systems with C++20 in an asynchronous runtime, and explores the challenges & tradeoffs in adopting a thread-per-core architecture. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process for Tech Decisions

Adopting Asynchronous Collaboration in Distributed Software Teams

Meetings can be a major time-sink for distributed teams. While they can be valuable, if we reach for them as a default way of working, we inadvertently create a fragmented team calendar. This can be a drain on productivity, especially for knowledge workers who need time to focus on deep work. This article discusses the benefits of asynchronous collaboration and how to implement it on your team. (Article)

Psychological Safety for Staff+ Engineers

Jitesh Gosai discusses what psychological safety is, why it matters to software teams and how Staff+ engineers can foster environments high in psychological safety. (Presentation with transcript included)

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