Care2 Causes

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Mosha the elephant stepped on a land mine in Thailand when she was just 7 months old. She lost most of her right front leg. Ten years later, Mosha walks...
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Thanks to animal lovers across the world coming together, Browser the library cat can now rest easy by his books because his eviction has been called off....
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This boxer loves the pool, and she's finally figured out how to float on a noodle!
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Texas Senator, Ted Cruz, was one of the last campaigners standing in the race for the GOP presidential endorsement. He was the only republican who had a...
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SAVE the remaining Bomb Sniffing Dogs from the clutches of Eastern Securities!
signatures: 180224
created by: Amy Swope
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It's beach-reading season and with all the books out there, it can be tough to pick a handful that are perfect for lounging in the sun. A good beach book...
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Life in the U.K. is an uneasy experience right now. Following the Brexit vote to leave the European Union, tensions initially stoked during the lead up to...
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Lawmakers have introduced a bill that would bring an end to the use of two cruel types of body-gripping traps - Conibear traps and steel leghold traps....
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Last summer, officials discovered that as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and her staff often used their personal email when conducting State...
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Earlier this month, the U.S. Justice Department announced a lawsuit against the State of Michigan on the grounds of systematic gender discrimination...
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Are you a beer drinker? Do you, like many Americans, enjoy Mexican beers such as Modelo or Corona? If so, you may be unknowingly contributing to a massive...
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Unfortunately, the fight to save the silky shark in Central America isn’t silky smooth. And Costa Rica and other Central American countries just...
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Researchers recently revealed the results of a two year study focused on the Brazilian Amazon. Their findings, published in "Nature," show that even in...
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Danielle Cook's oldest son was only 11 years old when he was diagnosed with stage threeHodgkin's lymphoma, a type of cancer that affects the immune...
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