Minnesota Public Radio
Donate on the first day of the Fall Member Drive and pick up an extra thank-you gift!

Your Station. Your Community. mpr.org/donate

Hi there!

Your contribution to Minnesota Public Radio today makes a statement: You believe in quality journalism, you value live and local music, and you want classical and choral music to thrive for generations to come.

You’ll also make a statement when you wear today’s Member Drive bonus gift! With a brand-new striped design featuring the colors of The Current, Classical MPR and MPR News, the MPR custom socks will let everyone know that you support independent news and music for your entire community.

MPR socks Donate Now MPR Socks

They’re a Minnesota Public Radio Member favorite for a reason: These bold and comfy socks help you always put your best foot forward. And today, for the first day of our Fall Member Drive, they’re available when you become an MPR Member.

For the rest of the Member Drive, these socks will be offered at the $10 a month level, but become an MPR Member before 7 p.m. today and you’ll get them at any level in addition to the thank-you gift of your choice.

Don’t miss out on this special offer — show your support for Minnesota Public Radio today!

Thank you,

Membership Team Signature

The MPR Membership Team

P.S. These socks are a bonus thank-you gift today, so even if you pick up your copy of the new Taste of the Holidays Vol. 9, you will still get these socks. It is a small way we say thanks for your support.

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