

Bad News For Uber: L.A. Wins Data-Sharing Appeal Windows 10X Updates—In Under 90 Seconds
Uber and Los Angeles have been fighting over a rule ordering scooter rental companies to share ride data with the city—a rule that was just upheld on appeal. Microsoft has outlined a significant feature of its upcoming Windows 10X operation system (OS)—90 second updates.
Flipboard Introduces Curated Video Service: Flipboard TV
Google Health Now Has 500 Employees
Popular news aggregator Flipboard has announced a new video aggregation service, according to a company press release. Google Health, the company’s latest initiative, now has some 500 employees. Google has a long, and not always successful, history in the health field.

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LAFD Orders Nation’s First Electric Fire Engine U.S. Reveals Evidence on Huawei’s Spying Risk
The Los Angeles Fire Department has become the first in the country to order an electric fire engine, according to a department news release. U.S. officials are finally disclosing the basis of their claims that Huawei poses a significant security risk.
T-Mobile and Sprint Win Case, Can Move Forward With Merger
IBM Goes All-In On Slack, Deploys App To All 350,000 Employees
As predicted, U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero has ruled in favor of T-Mobile and Sprint, clearing the way for the two companies to merge. In a big win for Slack, IBM is deploying the messaging app to all of its 350,000 employees.

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