Media Winners & Losers

Bret Baier

Fox News anchor Bret Baier managed to keep his composure throughout a combative interview with Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake.

Lake sat down with Baier on Monday and reiterated the baseless claim that the 2020 election was stolen, calling President Joe Biden illegitimate as a result.

Baier rebuffed the claim, airing a testimony of Arizona Republican Rusty Bowers who insisted, under oath, that the election was not rigged.

Lake responded by dismissing Bowers as a “RINO,” or Republican in name only.

While Baier came just short of shutting down Lake entirely, he instead found the balance between pushing back on Lake's absurd claims and being polite to his guest.

As Mediaite's Colby Hall put it, "the Fox News anchor was treating her with the sort of kid gloves one treats an unhinged panhandler: limit the conflict for fear of a wild outburst, which in this case would unfold on live television."

The unhinged nature of the interview became even less hinged as the subject turned to drag queens.

Baier asked Lake about a Washington Post report, which alleged the GOP candidate, who has vocally criticized drag queens, was once a fan of the performance art. 

Drag queen Richard Stephens has even claimed Lake attended his shows for 20 years and once hired him to perform at her home -- and he brought receipts

"I’m actually appalled that Fox News would take a defamatory story like that and we are pursuing legal action against this drag queen, I’m appalled that you would bring that up when you have not talked about our stolen election,” Lake responded.

Baier shot back, noting, “We just spent three questions” talking about the 2020 election.

“Let’s address this story in the Washington Post,” Baier continued, “Every candidate takes tough stories.”

“I’m happy to address it. I’m happy to address it. But I’m really disappointed in Fox. I thought you were a little better than CNN,” said Lake. 

Lake went on to claim that Stephens has never performed in her home, yet did not deny attending his performances. 

Undeterred, Baier pointed to pictures of her with Stephens, which Lake refused to address.

Alice Stewart

CNN commentator and Republican strategist Alice Stewart failed to back up her stance on abortion while on Don Lemon Tonight

Stewart and Guy Cecil of the Priorities USA super PAC sat down with Don Lemon the Monday after the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade

Cecil quickly gained the upper hand during the segment, turning Stewart's point on abortions and consent against her. 

"Look, what we cannot have what the Democrats want to currently do is the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA). That is horrible for the unborn children," Stewart said.

"This would provide abortions without the consent of parents. Could you imagine having a teenage daughter who needed to have an abortion and the parents didn’t have consent?”

Cecil confirmed that he could imagine such a scenario. 

“I could if that daughter was a victim of a rape or incest, in which case your party will allow, not just allow, force that 13-year-old girl to carry her rapist’s child, her pregnancy, to term,” he said, later adding, "And Republicans care about life until the child is born.”

Failing to give an adequate response to the comparison, Stewart instead claimed that Democrats are "fine with abortion up to delivery." 

"That’s unfathomable," she added

Unfathomable, yes, but only because the WHPA specifies that it seeks to bar "prohibition on abortion at any point or points in time prior to fetal viability."

If passed, the bill would only permit abortion after fetal viability if, "in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health."

“How many cases of a woman having an abortion at delivery do you know of that have been reported,” Cecil asked Stewart. "How many? How many? Just give me a number.”

Stewart, unable to give a number, replied, "Democrats are fine with that though." 

“This is a stalking horse of the Republican Party,” Cecil shot back. “Instead of giving women the rights, you want to give Mike Pence and Clarence Thomas the rights over a majority of American women that want to choose their own reproductive health choices.”

Fortunately for Stewart, who did not seem to have a retort ready, Lemon promptly cut to commercial.

The A-Block


The Jan. 6 House Select Committee held a surprise hearing on Tuesday despite a previously planned two-week hiatus. 

The committee announced the hearing on Monday, clarifying it will be used to “present recently obtained evidence and receive witness testimony."

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) specified that the hearing will examine former President Donald Trump's conduct on Jan. 6, statements from senior Trump advisers, including Mark Meadows, and the administration's knowledge of the Capitol riot prior to Jan. 6. 

Tuesday's hearing opened with testimony from a surprise witness, now revealed to be Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to Meadows and a front-row witness to the events surrounding the day.

According to her testimony, Trump threw his lunch against the wall in the White House dining room after
Attorney General Bill Barr announced he found no evidence of widespread voter fraud. 

She went on to confirm that this was not the only time Trump took his anger out on porcelain plates. 

"There were several times throughout my tenure with the chief of staff that I was aware of him either throwing dishes or flipping the table cloth to let all the contents of the table go onto the floor and likely break or go everywhere."

Hutchinson further told the committee that Trump cursed out his Secret Service detail and physically attacked Robert Engel, the head of his security detail, when he was informed they would not take him to the Capitol on Jan. 6.

In addition to Hutchinson's testimony, the hearing -- in progress at the time of writing -- will likely spotlight Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump. 

According to The Guardian, the committee took interest in a private event where filmmaker Alex Holder documented Trump’s adult children discussing potential plans to stop the 2020 election’s certification.

The report states that during the event, Holder documented calls in which the elder Trump brothers discussed election strategies before Donald Jr. asked Holder to leave.

The committee is presumably interested in determining whether Trump’s children planned to stop the certification of the election prior to the storming of the Capitol. 

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Senate Sergeant at Arms During Capitol Riot Has Died, Fox News Reports

GOP Would ‘Absolutely’ Overturn the Filibuster to Pass National Ban on Abortion, Warns Former RNC Chairman

Ratings: Morning Joe Tops 1 Million Viewers Across 4 Hours, Trails Fox & Friends

Must See Clip

‘Women are going to die’

Hillary Clinton sent a stark message to Supreme Court Justice and her former schoolmate Clarence Thomas on Tuesday morning.

Clinton sat down with CBS' Gayle King for her first interview since Roe v. Wade was overturned and got very specific about her former law school peer, calling Thomas a person of "resentment, grievance, anger."

"Women are going to die, Gayle," said Clinton. "Women will die."

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