Recipes (April 04, 2019)
These banana muffins have chia seeds and oatmeal added for extra nutrition and moist, chewy goodness. Give them a try. Do you have a favorite recipe to share with us?

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Today's Featured Post

Banana Oat Chia Muffins

By StellaBell

Banana Oat Chia Muffins I wanted to make a healthier banana bread recipe. So I reduced the fat and sugar then added oats and chia. It came out pretty darn delicious.

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Today's Guides
Fresh Mango Shake Recipe
glasses of smoothies
Ranch Chicken Recipes
Fried chicken around a cup of ranch dressing with celery sticks.
Baked Cabbage Recipes
Pan with slices of baked cabbage.
Smoked Salmon Appetizers
Smoked Salmon Crostini Appetizers on serving dish
Today's Posts

Wakame Seaweed Salad

By attosa

Wakame Seaweed Salad in bowlThis Japanese seaweed salad is very popular anywhere sushi is served. Since I've been eating these salads since I was a kid, I roll my eyes at the prices marked on them because I know a huge batch can be made for under a buck. Wakame seaweed is not only tasty, it is packed full of calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and vitamins B2 and B9.

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Chicken Bacon Surprise

By sharon6345

Bacon surprise..I was low on everything and figured what the heck. Well, my bacon surprise came out fantastic. The seasoning and flavors married together well.

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Use Yogurt Instead of Mayo in Potato Salad
If you make potato salad but your "kids" or others don't like mayo try substituting the mayo with vanilla yogurt! My mother used to do this for me when I was in the "weight loss mode"! It was great!

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