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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Find a joyful way of being physically active (indoors or out)

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

I Read Quite a Bit

Today we have a guest editorial from Grant because he's awesome.

I read quite a bit. Mostly it’s trashy science fiction novels (love me some space marines). However, I also read a lot of history. My most recent book was “The Bulwark of Christendom: The Turkish Sieges of Vienna 1529 & 1683” by Karl August Schimmer. I picked this book because the publication date was 2017, much more recent than other books on the topic. I’ve found newer histories can be, sometimes, not always, better than older histories because we both learn more over time, and, depending on the historian, they’re better written. Sadly, I was fooled. The book was actually written in 1847. Man did it show. The information was as much opinion and conjecture as fact.

This made me think about some technical problems I’ve been having with my Kindle Fire. To put it bluntly, the default browser is a steaming pile of brown stuff. So, I’ve been researching how to make it work better and/or replace it. Yet, almost every resource I’ve been able to find is 3-5 years old and no longer applicable to my device. Add to this, I’ve been working in Amazon AWS a lot more recently. I’m learning RDS and trying to learn the DevOps tools. Here again, I’ve been stymied by old information.

I also recently watched an email thread. A friend had a technical problem. They very carefully laid out precisely what the problem they were experiencing was. It was detailed and accurate. Yet, all the responses were either blatantly wrong, or answering different questions.

Where am I going with all this I know you’re asking.

Getting information, the right information, in a timely manner, is really hard. Yet, every day, we’re making all sorts of decisions, big and small, on incomplete, missing, or even bad information. The worst part is, when we find out we made bad calls, it’s often too late. I’m not saying we can always wait until we get the best possible and most correct information before we act. However, frequently, I think, we act before we need to. With bad data driving, the results can also be bad. Where and when you can, pause, make sure of your information, then act.

Grant Fritchey

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

  Featured Contents

Banker’s Rounding. What is it good for?

Sergiy from SQLServerCentral

An in depth look at the implications of using Banker's Rounding.

Heaps in SQL Server: Part 1 The Basics

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Most advice you see online about heaps is to avoid them. In this article, Uwe Ricken describes the basics of heaps so that you can determine when heaps are the best choice.

Allowing for manual checks and changes during database deployments

Additional Articles from Redgate

SQL Change Automation enables users to make database changes to production safely and efficiently using PowerShell cmdlets, which can be integrated easily into any release management tool. This article will show you how to automate database deployments safely, by using SQL Change Automation from within PowerShell scripts, and how a deployment script for a release can be checked and amended as part of the process.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Backup your SQL instances configurations to GIT with dbatools – Part 1

Cláudio Silva from Cláudio Silva

Today I want to share how I’m keeping a copy of instances’ configurations using dbatools. Chrissy LeMaire (B | T) wrote about it before on the Simplifying disaster recovery...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - When Your Azure Data Catalog App Won’t Connect

Angela Henry from SQL Swimmer

This year I created a new presentation for introducing Azure Data Catalog.  I love this product and think it has so much potential and everyone should be using it! ...


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Getting the default Datefirst

Where can I find the default DATEFIRST setting for my instance?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Level 0 Extended Properties

Which of these are not valid level0 types for sp_addextendedproperty?

Answer: LOG FILE

Explanation: You cannot add extended properties to log files. Ref: sp_addextendedproperty -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Linked server - I can able to grant user who is non sysadmin  to linked server by granting  rights to user on SYS.XP_PROP_OLEDB_PROVIDER. However, the caveat is it allows user to access all the linked server on the server. Is there a way i can Just grant specific linked server? Please advise?
VMware datastores and SQL Server drives - Hi, I am changing a standalone SQL Server 2008 R2 to a Windows Failover Cluster 2016 Server with SQL Always On Availability. The current 2008R2 server has the following drive setup: C: (OS), D: (SQL Server 2016 application program files), F: (SQL log files) and G: (SQL Backup files) are currently on one vmware datastore […]
Accessing data from a case-sensitive server to a case-insensitive server - We had some consultants install a warehouse management software requiring a new database engine to be created on our sql server box.  This software requires Latin1_General_BIN collation.  As part of an integration project, we are trying to access data in our main ERP software which resides on another server, but has a case insensitive collation […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
Question related to moving tempdb files into different disk drive - Hi everyone. I asked this question in but unfortunately I wasn't satisfied with answers so I decided to ask here. Question:  is there any point of moving tempdb files into different disk drive if all LUNs are from the same RAID pool? According to best practices, it is recommended to move all tempdb (not […]
SQL 2012 - General
Parse XML field? - Hi How would I parse out a value in an XML field Say in the XML field below I want to parse out clientid 12345? Thanks  
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
INDEX REBUILDING DEGRADED PERFORMANCE - Hi Experts, We have a stored procedure to search users. In order to improve performance i have rebuild the index. But the performance of the query degraded. I have attached the actual execution plan before and after index rebuild. Can you help in analyzing why the performance degraded.
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Move SQL Server AG to new Server - We need to migrate our Windows SQL (2014) Server Always-on Availability Group Cluster to new hardware in the same data center with zero down time. This would be from one VMware Cluster to a new VMware Cluster in the same data center. Is this possible? It is on a Windows 2012 R2 Server. Thank you...
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Is SELECT a part of DML, DDL or something else? - According to this post SELECT is classified under DML.  However, when I check the SQL online documentation, SELECT is not listed under DML. So which language type is SELECT officially classified under?  I can't find anything in the online book. The first link above mentions DCL and TCL.  Why doesn't the online book […]
Json String to Multiple Rows - Greetings, I have a json string in the following format and I need to split a small portion out to multiple Rows. My json string is shown below. My goal is to split a small part of this into separate rows as shown below. I've been able to get this into a single row but […]
copy file from sharepoint site to Azure storage - I'm looking to transfer files from sharepoint site to Azure storage. I cannot use Logic apps or Flow. Planning to use Powershell. Can someone help me with a sample script for the same? Also, this script would be automated to run every 4 hrs.
Analysis Services
XMLA discover database roles in SSAS multidimensional - Hi Colleagues, I am breaking my head against XMLA that will list all roles existing in a database. I know I need to use Discover. There is DISCOVER_XML_METADATA DISCOVER_XML_METADATA SSAS_DB_ID But it runs too long and returns several megabytes of information. Yes, it […]
Integration Services
Flat File source not recognizing {CR}{LF} - Using VS 2017 I have a bunch of "^" delimited flat files i am importing into SQL server 2019 tables.  The files are formatted identically as far as i can see.  One of the files fails.  The flat file source returns this message "The specified header or data row delimiter "{CR}{LF}" is not found after […] Website Issues
How do I post a table as part of a forum question? - I have a question which could benefit a lot from having a 3-column table as part of the content. However, although BBCode has a pair, along with the stuff for defining individual rows, this seems not to be implemented on SSC. At least, the example from the BBCode website didn't render properly in preview. Am […]
COVID-19 Pandemic
Daily Coping 10 Jun 2020 - Today’s tip is show your appreciation to those who are helping others.
Daily Coping 9 Jun 2020 - Today’s tip is to think of 3 things you’re grateful for and write them down.


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