What just happened in British Columbia?

It was a nailbiter ‘til the very end, and while the BC Liberals ended the evening with a minority government, we won’t know the results for certain until later this month after the absentee ballots are counted and recounts are complete.

Here’s our reporters’ recap of what went down at the BC Liberal, BC NDP, and Green headquarters on election night. Here’s the thoughtful David Beers on Christy Clark’s Trump attempt. And here’s the wise Paul Willcocks on what it all possibly means. – Robyn Smith, editor

Election Night Sends BC Down Unmapped Road

Prospects high for Greens to decide who will form minority government.

Perils For All Three Parties in Minority Government Deals

Clark faces challenge in new caucus of MLAs from ‘the places that used to elect Socreds.’

Clark Is Done; NDP and Greens Now Need to Deliver the Change BC Voted For

Even if results shift, power will remain in hands of John Horgan and Andrew Weaver.

What Just Happened in British Columbia? And What’s Ahead?

Tyee contributors weigh in on last night’s provincial election results.

The Most Nail Biting Finish in Memory, Updated

Will Greens hold balance of power? Reports from Green, Liberal and NDP campaign parties.

Loved Ones Lost: An Oil Driller’s Struggle

Ryan knew he was fortunate to have his family’s support. Then luck turned cruel. First in a series.

How Hillary Clinton, Trapped in the Past and Privilege, Lost

Authors portray a candidate who had lost touch with the country she hoped to lead.

Professor Cranky-Pants Investigates the World

Or why you will regret missing Peter Babiak’s new book.

Who’s Getting Site C Contracts? And How Much Have They Given the BC Liberals?

We looked at 51 companies offering services to BC Hydro for the dam.

Why Weaver Sends Such Friendly Signals about the BC Liberals

The Green leader makes it seem personal. More likely it’s strategically political.

How Paul Doroshenko Went from Boosting BC Liberals to Suing Them

After pitching in on three campaigns, lawyer hates what he sees on TV. A Tyee interview.