đź“ť Latest news

Mathematical workshops and monologues will star BCAM Naukas 2024

BCAM , the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country and Naukas have organized a new edition of BCAM Naukas. March 14 is the International Mathematics Day. Specifically, it will be held on the fourteenth day of the third month (3.14, like the number Pi)  at the UPV/EHU´s Bizkaia Aretoa. In addition to coinciding with the international day, the date aims to highlight the importance of mathematics in our daily lives. 

BCAM joins Bilbao's Charter Of Values - Bilbao Balioen Hiria

BCAM endorses the Bilbao Charter of Values -Bilbao Balioen Hiria. This is a project led by the Bilbao City Council.

Bilbao Balioen Hiria aims to generate a space for analysis, dialogue, reflection and collaborative work between institutions, social entities, companies, media, educational centers and citizens to promote a framework of shared values in the city of Bilbao.

BCAM and University of Deusto sign agreement to boost academic and scientific collaboration in mathematics

With the main objective of fostering academic and scientific collaboration, BCAM and the University of Deusto have formalized an agreement that covers various areas of collaboration. This agreement, which strengthens the ties between both institutions, aims to promote research, specialized training in mathematics in general and applied mathematics in particular, as well as attracting talent.

The signing also coincides with the launch at Deusto of the new degree in Mathematical Engineering, pioneering studies in the Basque Country.

BCAM opens its doors to Botikazar BHI and Artaza-Romo BHI high school students

In line with its commitment to bringing mathematics closer to society and fostering scientific vocations among younger individuals, BCAM welcomed the visit of two high schools: Botikazar BHI and Artaza-Romo BHI, the latter within the framework of the 'Emakumeak Zientzian' initiative. 

Both visits were led by Leire Garmendia and Mikel Pérez, researchers at BCAM, who explained the day-to-day aspects of their work and engaged students through group dynamics, making mathematics approachable and enjoyable through teamwork.

BCAM and UPNA sign a collaboration agreement to promote maximum scientific and academic collaboration between institutions

The main objective of this collaboration is to strengthen relationships, combine efforts, and establish broad standards of action that channel and increase, within a predefined framework, collaborations in training, research, transfer, innovation, and dissemination of knowledge. Furthermore, collaborative research will also be promoted, along with the organization of joint scientific events, the development of research programs, dissemination, technological development, and innovation, and the exchange of knowledge and resources among researchers and students.

The fourth edition of Batera, BCAM's mentoring program, will start in march with 16 participants

BCAM will launch the fourth edition of Batera, its mentoring program, on March 1st.
For three months, until June 2024, four pairs consisting of mentor and mentee will be able to enjoy this initiative, which focuses on supporting young researchers in various reflections that may arise around their career goals, skills, and options for professional development.

IKUR talks on Quantum Technologies with Professor Artur Ekert (Donostia, March 7th / Bilbao, March 8th)

The IKUR Quantum Talks are organized by the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) to publicize the scientific basis and potential of quantum technologies

Under the umbrella of the Basque Government's IKUR quantum initiative, distinguished international experts in quantum technologies are giving outreach talks in Bilbao and Donostia. The next stop of this series will be the first week of March in Donostia (March 7th, Josebe Olarra DIPC's Seminar Room) and Bilbao (Bibebarrieta Auditorium, March 8th).

Iñigo Urteaga, Ikerbasque Research Fellow at BCAM, will be Co-Principal Investigator in a research project of the National Science Foundation of the United States during the next 4 years

The project is funded by NSF's 'Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science (SCH)' program and in it, Urteaga and the international research team will investigate Human-Centered Reinforcement Learning (RL).

NSF-SCH supports the development of high-risk, high-reward, transformative breakthroughs in computer and data science, mathematics, and statistics research to address pressing questions in the biomedical and public health communities.

Lore Zumeta defended her thesis on February 16th

Lore Zumeta Olaskoaga received her Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) in 2016 and her Master’s degree in Statistics and Operations Research  from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Universitat de Barcelona (UPC and UB) in 2018. 

Carlos Uriarte defended his thesis on the 23rd of February

Carlos Uriarte received a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics in 2018 and a Master’s degree in Computational Engineering and Intelligent Systems in 2019 from the University of the Basque Country. He joined BCAM in 2019 as an Intern, then as a Research Technician, and finally as a PhD Student in 2020.

IN-DEEP, an MSCA Doctoral Network project aimed at training doctoral students in Deep Learning techniques, kicks off

IN-DEEP, a MSCA Doctoral Network project for training PhD students in Deep Learning techniques, has been launched. The kick-off meeting took place on February 1st. The aim of IN-DEEP is to enhance training and research in new deep learning technologies for inverse problems.

The project is coordinated by researcher David Pardo (UPV/EHU), with coordination from BCAM led by postdoctoral researcher Judit Muñoz Matute.

BCAM Women Scientific Seminar: Modeling Emergency Medical Service Locations Under Consideration Of Uncertainty – Case Study For The City OfcDuisburg, Germany

Speaker: Isabel Wiemer (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Date: Thursday, February 8th
Hour: 12:00
Location: Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM and online

More info at the website

Nine new PhD students joined BCAM the last year

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM has welcomed to the center a new group of PhD students for the course 2023-2024 and they have joined the rest students, who number 9 in total.

They are going to work mostly in mathematics and informatics, but in the different research groups at BCAM.

đź“ş BCAM in the media

Lorea GĂłmez in Grupo Noticias
Opinion article by Lorea GĂłmez in Grupo Noticias (Deia, Noticias de Gipuzkoa and Noticias de Alava) on the occasion of February 11 th (Text in spanish)

José Antonio Lozano participated in Hoy x Hoy (Cadena SER -Radio Bilbao)

José Antonio Lozano was interviewed in Cadena Ser -Radio Bilbao (Audio in Spanish)


José Antonio Lozano and Cristina Galán interviewed by Radio Popular 

José Antonio Lozano and Cristina Galán talked to EgunOn Bizkaia (Radio Popular) (Audio in Spanish)


José Antonio Lozano, Claudia Peña and Daniela Moreno in Radio Euskadi

José Antonio Lozano, Claudia Peña, and Daniela participated in this interview for the program Boulevard of Radio Euskadi (Audio in Spanish)


José Antonio Lozano in Onda Cero Bizkaia

José Antonio Lozano visited Onda Cero Bizkaia (Audio in Spanish)


âś… BCAM was part of

Emakumeak Zientzian initiative

This year BCAM also participated in the Emakumeak Zientzian initiative. Our researcher Leire Garmendia explained to the students of Artaza-Romo High School how is her work in BCAM. Playing, with challenges and teamwork, approaching and enjoying science.

MATH4Q, a mathematical approach to Ikur Strategy on Quantum Technologies

During the month of January, BCAM has collaborated with the UPV/EHU Quantum center, DIPC, and the Department of Mathematics of the UPV/EHU in the kick off of the initiative MATH4Q (Mathematics For Quantum) within the IKUR strategy on Quantum Technologies.

BCAM, as a partner of INNOLAB Bilbao, visits Iberdrola's Global Smart Grids Innovation Hub with other collaborators from the platform

The open innovation platform INNOLAB Bilbao launches the "Innovation Hubs: Transformando el futuro" visits program exclusively for partners and collaborators of the platform. BCAM, as a member entity of INNOLAB Bilbao, participates in this program as part of the platform's strategy to stay at the forefront of technological and innovation advances. Therefore, BCAM attended the visit to Iberdrola's Global Smart Grids Innovation Hub, the first stop of this initiative.
LTC Sarea Encounter

BCAM took part, with TRANSMATH project, in an event in Biarritz "LTC Sarea Encounter". This is an initiative of the Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco to foster research collaboration between Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and Université de Bordeaux through the creation of 7 Labs and 11 incubators. It is coordinated by Euskampus Fundazioa

BCAM visited Digipen and was a guest lecturer in theire "MÂłOVE" session where the complexities of crowd management in Bilbao were explored through the lens of applied physics and mathematics were explained. The CFD Group from BCAM illuminated the room with cutting-edge Computational Fluid Dynamics projects, showcasing the profound impact of mathematics in real-world scenarios.

❓ What´s to come

BCAM SO Course | Introduction to the mathematical theory of incompressible fluids

DATE: Mon, Feb 26 - Mon, Apr 29 2024

HOUR: 1st Part: Mon-Wed 10:00 - 12:00 | 2nd Part: Mon-Wed 11:00 - 13:00

LOCATION: Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM and online

SPEAKERS: Francesco Fanelli and Renato LucĂ 

REGISTER: Course Website and Registration Link

BCAM Course | Tomography bounds in Fourier Analysis

DATE: Mon, Mar 11 - Fri, Mar 15 2024

HOUR: 15:00 - 17:00

LOCATION: Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM and online

SPEAKERS: Itamar Oliveira (University of Birmingham)

REGISTER: Course Webpage and Registration Link

đź—“ Scientific activities

26 February - 29 April 2024 | BCAM Course
Maryam Mirzakhani seminar Room at BCAM and online
Introduction to the mathematical theory of incompressible fluids

Francesco Fanelli and Renato LucĂ  (BCAM)

7 March 2024 | Seminar | 17:00-18:00
BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Test function method in KdV hierarchy

Sandra Lucente (she/her) - University of Bari

11-15 March 2024 | BCAM Course | 15:00-17:00
Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM and online
Tomography bounds in Fourier Analysis

Itamar Oliveira (University of Birmingham)

8-12 April 2024 | BCAM SO Course 
Universidad de Zaragoza
A brief introduction to classical homotopy and homology theory

Aniceto Murillo (University of Malaga)

26 April - 31 May 2024 | BCAM Course | Fridays 11:45-17:45
Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM 
III Mathematical Models in Epidemiology (MME) Course

MTB Research Line and guests

6-10 May 2024 | BCAM Course | 9:15-11:15
Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM and online
Multiobjective Optimization using Metaheuristics

Carlos A. Coello Coello (BCAM)

17-21 June 2024 | Workshop
Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM 
Kinetic equation, Mathematical Physics and Probablilty (KEMAP) Workshop

More information on the website

25-27 June 2024 | Workshop
Pamplona (Spain)
Workshop on spatio temporal modelling preliminary programme

More information on the programme

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