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Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
BCAM's Monthly Newsletter
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Latest News 

The study explores a fundamental question in neuroscience: Do the brains of vertebrates-including mammals, birds and reptiles-evolve along separate trajectories or does evolution direct them towards a common functional design?
BCAM scientist and research leader at the Krembil Research Institute (Canada), Maurizio De Pittà, is the co-lead author of the groundbreaking study coordinated by Fernando García-Moreno (Achucarro - Basque Neuroscience Centre).

BCAM researchers participate in a study that integrates advanced fire-spotting models into wildfire simulations, a breakthrough in predictive accuracy

The study led by Gianni Pagnini is part of the Be a Better Digital Fire-Fighter project (PDC2022-133115-I00) and addresses the phenomenon of fire-spotting, a key factor in the spread of fires. The research focused on a case study from the 2021 wildfire in Campomarino, Italy, where fire-spotting significantly influenced fire spread dynamics The findings are expected to inform more precise fire risk assessments and aid in mitigating the devastating impacts of wildfires globally.

BCAM, with Javier Fernández de Bobadilla as PI, will coordinate the National Network of Algebraic Geometry and Singularities for the period 2025-2027

The main objectives of the RGA network are: strengthening our areas of specialization and expanding them in the most relevant directions of current research; maintaining and improving our international presence; and leveraging our internal synergies to foster international collaboration that helps sustain a top-level research and training environment.
BCAM's leadership in this network reinforces its role as a benchmark in applied mathematics and highlights its commitment to research excellence.

BCAM NAUKAS 2025 is here! 

On 14 March 2025, we will celebrate a new edition of the special event dedicated to mathematics at the Bizkaia Aretoa (UPV/EHU) in Bilbao: BCAM NAUKAS, the day of Pi. This event is made possible thanks to the Basque Center for applied Mathematics and the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country, and will feature some of the most interesting figures in the popularisation of mathematics in our country.
The BCAM-NAUKAS 2025 programme will have morning and afternoon sessions. In the morning, mathematical workshops will be held to bring mathematics closer to primary and secondary school students in a fun and attractive way.
In the afternoon, it will continue with the celebration of this day with 15-minute scientific talks, dynamic and close, which will be given in the Mitxelena room of Bizkaia Aretoa, through which we will learn about the different properties and applications in everyday life, among others, of the number pi. Here, BCAM’s researchers Daniel Eceizabarrena and Luca Fanelli will take part with the following talks:  “La longitud de la costa y otros fractales”- Daniel Eceizabarrena; “Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol La, π: ¿Por qué tenemos siete notas? - Luca Fanelli.

Led by Elisabetta De Giovanni, under Tomas Teijeiro's supervision SWEATHEART promises personalized training insights and enhanced prevention of sudden cardiac events.
 ‘SIPOCAG’ is the project is led by Devlin Delaney Mallory, postdoc at BCAM’s  Singularity Theory and Algebraic Geometry group, and supervised by Ilya Smirnov. Focusing on singularities in positive-characteristic commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, the research aims to deepen understanding in modules related to the Frobenius morphism

BCAM researchers engage in dissemination and outreach for schools in february

In February, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) has strengthened its commitment to scientific outreach aimed at students, highlighting the importance of inspiring new generations in the fields of mathematics and science.
Paper Of The Month 

Research area: Computational Mathematics  

Research line: Mathematical Design, Modelling and Simulations

Pareja-Corcho, J.C., Barton, M., Pedrera-Busselo, A., Mejia-Parra, D., Moreno, A. and Posada, J., On shape design and optimization of gerotor pumps, Computer Graphics Forum (Q1), 2024, 43(5), e15140.

'On shape design and optimization of gerotor pumps'.
A gerotor pump is a two-piece mechanism where two rotational components, interior and exterior, engage each other via a rotational motion to transfer a fluid in a direction parallel to their rotational axes. A natural question arises on what shape of the gerotor is the optimal one in the sense of maximum fluid being pumped for a unit of time, given the constraint of a fixed material needed to manufacture the pump. As there is no closed-formula to answer this question, we propose a new algorithm to design and optimize the shape of gerotor pumps to be as efficient as possible. The proposed algorithm is based on a fast construction of the envelope of the interior component and subsequent optimization. We demonstrate our algorithm on a benchmark gerotor and show that the optimized solution increases the estimated flowrate by 16%. We also use our algorithm to study the effect of the number of teeth on the cavity area of a gerotor.

Read the pape here

BCAM was part of

BCAM's headquarters received Juan Ignacio Perez Iglesias, Minister of Science, Universities and Innovation, who together with Fernando Cossio, Scientific Director of Ikerbasque, presented the main objectives set by Ikerbasque for the period 2025-2028 to the heads of the research centres BERCs (Basque Excellence Research Center), CICs (Cooperative Research Center) and Health Institutes.

BCAM participated in the kick off consortium meeting of the SegurH2 project in Mondragón.

Funded by the Elkartek programme, the aim of the project is to research and develop safer systems for the management of hydrogen facilities.
Tecnalia, Tekniker, University of Mondragón, UPV/EHU, Ikor Technology Center and BCAM are collaborating in this project, joining forces to advance the safety of hydrogen as a key energy vector for the energy transition.


What's to come


Throughout the month of March, BCAM will be hosting different local schools and institutes on a weekly basis as part of Matematikhariak, BCAM's own outreach initiative. Aimed at schoolchildren (Primary, Secondary, and Vocational Training) and committed to bringing them closer to mathematics outside the classroom in a fun way.
Matematikhariak received the STEAM Euskadi Seal from the Basque Government and Innobasque in 2024, as well as the Special Mention for Gender.
Scientific Activities
 Jean Van Schaftingen (Université Catholique de Louvain)
 3 March, 2025 -  7 March, 2025
 Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM

 Jacob Barnett (BCAM) 
 4 March, 2025 -  20 March, 2025
 Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM

 Lucrezia Cossetti (UPV/EHU) and Luca Fanellli (BCAM & UPV/EHU)
 10 March, 2025 - 11 April, 2025
 Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM

 Nikolaus Adams (Technical University Munich)
 19 March, 2025 
 Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM

 Sam Hughes (Universität Bonn), Andrei Jaikin Zapirain (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and Pablo Sánchez Peralta (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)  
 24 March, 2025 - 2 April, 2025

 Francesco Di Plinio (Universitá degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) 
 31 March, 2025 - 4 April, 2025
 Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM


Job Offers

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