🏅 Awards

Luis Vega has been awarded with RSME Medal 2023. Zorionak!

Paula Gordaliza has been awarded with Vicent Castelles Mathematical Research Award. Zorionak!

📝 Latest news

“I believe that projects like this one related to the use of data in the healthcare field can have a high impact. The predictions obtained through mathematical models of machine learning can be support for decision making in medical prognosis or diagnosis"

  • PhD student Jose Ignacio Segovia Martín will participate in the ICML congress together with his supervisor Dr. Santiago Mazuelas with the paper "Double weighting for covariate shift adaptation"

An interdisciplinary collaboration for deciphering the thermodynamic "arrow of time" in complex networks

  • Researchers from the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Hokkaido University and Kyoto University have deciphered the thermodynamic “arrow of time” in large-scale complex networks

  • This breakthrough is anchored in the Ising model, a cornerstone in statistical physics and machine learning

  • The result sheds light on recent findings in biological systems, like the emergence of an arrow of time in signals from the brain

  • The paper has been published in the journal Nature Communications

The Lehendakari receives heads of the BCAM, BCBL and BC3 Basic Research and Excellence Centres

  • The meeting was held on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the three BERC centre

The future challenges of the Transmath LTC cross-border laboratory

  • Transmath seeks to promote research excellence and innovation from cross-border research in the Euskampus New Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarre collaboration strategy

📺 Media

Estadística y Deporte

🗓 Scientific activities

05 July 2023 at 10:00 | Training
HR Logo Seminar

06 July 2023 at 11:00 | Seminar
How can applied mathematics help optimal decision making? From variational inference to the differential geometry of bandits

Chris Wiggings (Columbia University)

20 July 2023 at 12:00 | Talks
EU Coffee Talks

11-22 September 2023 at 09:00 | Course

Model Theory in Bilbao

26 September 2023 at 16:00 | Seminars
Density of wild data for the Euler system of gas dynamics

Eduard Feireisl (Institute of Mathematics AS CR)

🗓 External Scientific activities

17-21 July 2023 at 9:00 | Workshop
University of the Balearic Islands
IX Iberian Modelling Week

20-22 March 2024 | Workshop
Bilbao Exhibition Centre

WindEurope 2024

🏅 Awards submissions

III Award to research in health and nutrition 2023 launched by the VICKY FOODS FOUNDATION with the aim to support research and development in health and nutrition

Deadline for submission of applications is 31stJuly 2023.

📢 Open positions

(Ordered by deadlines)
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