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Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
BCAM's Monthly Newsletter
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Latest News 
BCAM has won, with its initiative MATEMATIKHARIAK, the Special Gender Mention of the fourth edition of the STEAM Euskadi Sariak Awards, in the category of ‘STEAM education initiatives promoted by socio-economic entities’. These awards are organized by the Department of Education of the Basque Government in collaboration with the Basque Innovation Agency-Innobasque, within the STEAM Euskadi Strategy. The Special Gender Mention also comes with a financial endowment of 1,000 euros that we will use to further implement our outreach initiatives.

With the support of the STEAM Euskadi seal, BCAM will continue to expand and improve its program to reach an even wider audience and promote curiosity about mathematics.
BCAM evaluates its performance yearly and publishes a report containing the main results about its research areas, people, scientific output, funding, collaborators and dissemination activities. 

Available at this link

Parga works as a PhD student at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) in the field of Modelling and Simulation in Life and Materials Sciences, where he joined five years ago. 

His thesis, titled "Tackling the development of hormone therapy resistance in breast cancer through mathematical modelling" is under the expert guidance of Elena Akhmatskaya (Ikerbasque & BCAM) and María del Mar Vivanco Ruiz (CIC bioGUNE)

BCAM researchers have traveled to the  International Symposium on Injury Prevention in Team Sports  within the framework of MATH4SPORTS, a project that seeks to transfer applied mathematics as a driving technology to the field of sports industry, with a high potential for technology transfer to start-ups, professional clubs, researchers and other agents of the innovative environment of Bizkaia. 
Researchers from the Basque centers BCAM, Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience and the Department of Neurosciences of the UPV/EHU; together with the University of Toronto and Krembil Research Institute, Canada, have collaborated in a pioneering study that sheds light on the molecular mechanisms underlying Alzheimer's disease. Led by Giulio Bonifazi, a PhD graduate from BCAM in December 2023, the study explores the interaction between amyloid-β (Aβ) and glutamate in the development of Alzheimer's disorder.
The PIs of the different research lines of the Center, RyC/CNS, JdC, FPI/FPU and PID 2019-2022 projects beneficiaries participated in this visit to BCAM.
BCAM participated in the lastest edition of the scientific outreach festival "Pint of Science"

The goal of 'Pint of Science' is to introduce audiences of all ages to the scientific and technological research being carried out in their environment, in this case, the province of Bizkaia. It brought together researchers from some of the most important academic and research centers in our territory: Achucarro, Azti BC3, BCAM, BCMaterials, IIS Biobizkaia – Biocruces, Instituto Biofisika, CICbioGune, Tekniker, University of Deusto, and UPV/EHU.  From BCAM, Daniela Moreno and Mikel Camarasa, both Phd students, were part of the festival. Daniela shared the talk 'Journey to the Modeling of a NanoUniverse' and Mikel shared 'Why Don't Mathematicians Get Lucky?' 
BCAM in the Media 
Verónica Álvarez interviewed in Deia
Verónica Álvarez, BCAM researcher and the recent winner of the Frances Allen Award, was interviewed by Deia (text in Spanish) 

BCAM was part of


BCAM organized the Spring school and workshop spectral theory, fourier analysis and PDEs

The first Spring School and Workshop "Spectral Theory, Fourier Analysis and PDEs" was celebrated at the Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao from May 27 to May 31, 2024. The main objective of this scientific meeting is to foster a vertical gathering between researchers at different stages of their careers, including master's students, PhD students, early postdocs, as well as leading expert in the fields of Spectral Theory, Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations.

Aixerrota BHI, IES Peñaflorida and KantauriBHI were the winners of this phase.

Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka is a fair of projects developed by young people that allows them to experience research and development from the inside. The aim of the fair is to offer young people STEAM experiences with the involvement of the whole community.

Jone Renteria, Research Technician at BCAM explained the MATHS4SPORTS projetc in a session on 'Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Sports.'

This advisory service helps SMEs and Startups in Bizkaia to identify opportunities for process improvement, design optimization, guidance on new computational tools and also for the definition of new services or products. All through the analysis and exploitation of the data that the companies are registering. 

The Seminar was on "The mathematics of machine learning: empirical risk minimization and beyond"

Novi Quadrianto participates in 'Behind The Scenes' series, and talks about his role and the BCAM's role in the TANGO Project.

Youtube link

José Antonio Lozano, Scientific Director of BCAM, participated in the X Marine Energies Conference at the School of Engineering of Bilbao. The aim of the conference was to find a common ground between the needs of Industry and #Research in this field of Offshore Renewable Energy in the Basque Country.

The conference has been organized by the research group in Marine Renewable Energy JRL-ORE and has the support of TECNALIA, BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, UPV/EHU and Euskampus Fundazioa. 

The Basque Agency for Innovation, Innobasque, held at the Campus of Donostia - Euskadi Technology Park its XVII General Assembly, the annual reference meeting that brings together the agents of the Basque innovation ecosystem to take the pulse of the R&D&I activity in the Basque Country.  

What's to come

 3-7 June 
 More information at the website
 Bizkaia Aretoa (Bilbao)


 4-6 June 
 BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

Scattering Theory for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations

 5-7 June 
 More information at website
 Seminar Room at Mathematical Department of UPV/EHU in Leioa

Queer and Trans in Mathematical Analysis (QuMa) Workshop

 12-14 June 
 More information at the website
 Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM and online



 17-21 June 
 More information at the website
 Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM

Minimum Residual & Least-Squares Finite Element Methods Workshop

 24-27 June 
 More information at website


Scientific Activities
Numeric Tudela, course and meeting on numerical analysis Francisco Javier Sayas
 More information at website
 11 June - 14 June, 2024 
 Campus of the Public University of Navarra in the capital of the Ribera, Tudela


Job Offers

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