📢 Open positions

2 Postdoctorals Fellowships
Are you looking for a postdoctoral position? Take a look at the fellowships currently open at BCAM:
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematical, Computational and Experimental Neuroscience
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biomathematics at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Group

Deadline: November 30th, 2020.

 📢 Open calls

Doctorate INPhINIT program by La Caixa
This program is devoted to attracting talented Early-Stage Researchers—of any nationality—who wish to pursue doctoral studies in Spain or Portugal, and it's sponsored by ”la Caixa”. These fellowships offer a highly competitive salary and complementary opportunities for training, incentives upon completion of the thesis, etc.
As a Severo Ochoa center of excellence, BCAM offers 6 PhD fellowships in Mathematics through this programme. + More information 

📝 Latest news

BCAM, by the hand of the researcher Maurizio De Pittà, ‘La Caixa’ Junior Leader Postdoctoral Fellow, will participate in the next ASTROTECH project, which has started on November 1st, 2020.
BCAM is one of the funding institutions of the ASTROTECH Consortium by Dr. Maurizio De Pittà who will supervise the development of digital twins of astrocytes to model brain-wide neuron-glial-vascular coupling. These digital astrocytes will be incorporated in the Virtual Brain Software – a platform used by medical doctors to diagnose brain diseases, and design surgical strategies and pharmacological therapies to cure brain disorders.
The article "Modelling COVID-19 in the Basque Country from introduction to control measures response" has been published in Scientific Reports - Nature Research Journals
The Scientific Reports Journal, has published this paper where the team describes the efforts and challenges to develop a flexible modeling framework able to describe the dynamics observed for the tested positive cases, inlcuiding the modelling development steps.
Short and longer term predictions were tested with good results adjusted to the available epidemiological data. It has been shown that the partial lockdown measures were effective and enough to slow down disease transmission in the Basque Country.

More info: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-74386-1
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