📝 Latest news

BCAM researchers attend the Mathematics Awards Ceremony by the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society (RSME) and the BBVA Foundation 2023

Postdoctoral researcher Paula Gordaliza received the Vicent Caselles Award and group leader and UPV/EHU professor Luis Vega received the RSME 2023 Medal. Click here to read more

TANGO projects starts with its first meeting

Among its objectives, the project aims to have a positive effect on bringing people and Artificial Intelligence (AI) closer together. Click here to read more

BCAM holds the first Working Group Meeting of the MATH4SPORTS project

In the first Working Group Meeting on Statistical Methods for Team Sports and Injury Prevention participated several academic institutions and representatives of European professional football clubs. Click here to read more

Machine learning for forecasting in energy markets

This year's SEIO 2023 congress will take place in the city of Elche, between 7 and 10 November 2023. Click here to read more

🎉 Congrats!

  • Congratulations to Diana Marcela Pérez Valencia- Spatio-temporal modeling of high-throughput phenotyping data! 🎉 Click here

📺 Media

Interview of Jose A. Lozano in Radio Euskadi
Min 26:56 (In Spanish)
My Thesis in 3 minutes: Supervised Learning in Time-dependent Environments with Performance Guarantees 

Verónica Álvarez (Machine Learning)
In English

📍 Events

BCAM members attended October 23-24 the 100xCiencia.7 annual meeting of the Alliance of Excellence of Severo Ochoa Centres and María de Maeztu Units (SOMMa).  During the two-day event, took place the alliance's general assembly for directors and the meetings of each working group. They were also able to learn and participate in the workshops and talks led by experts in "Communicating science with excellence"
Jose A. Lozano, Scientific Director of BCAM, Luis Vega, PI of the Severo Ochoa Excellence accreditation, Miguel Benítez, Project Manager and Esti Gutiérrez, Communication Manager participated in the event.

🗓 Scientific activities

19 September - 28 November 2023 at 11:30 - 18:30 | Working Group

MTB working group: Mathematical models of complex systems

06 October - 10 November 2023 at 13:00 | Course
SO Course: Morita Theory and its Generalizations

Oleg Smirnov (College of Charleston)

06 November 2023 at 12:00 | Scientific Seminar
BCAM and online

BCAM Scientific Seminar: Nonequilibrium thermodynamics, cross-correlations, and the isoperimetric inequality

Artemy Kolchinsky (Universitat Pompeu fabra)

08 November 2023 at 12:00 | Scientific Seminar
BCAM and Online

BCAM Scientific Seminar: Interpreting systems as agents

Martin Biehl (Cross Labs - Cross Compass)

15 November 2023 at 9:45 | Conference

Doctoral Conference: Perspectives for Research in Mathematics


22 November 2023 at 11:45 | Colloquium

15th BCAM-UPV/EHU Colloquium

Xabier Cabre (ICREA and UPC (Barcelona)) and Volker Diekert

📢 Open positions

(Ordered by deadlines)
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