📢  Open calls

LAST CALL: PhD Positions Inphinit La Caixa -  Retaining
This programme offerts 30 PhD fellowships for early-stage researchers of any nationality to pursue their PhD studies in any university or research center in Spain or Portugal. Candidates must have resided or have carried out their main activity in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call. Deadline: February 26th, 2020
Ikerbasque Research Fellowship 2020
The Basque Foundation for Science has launched a new call offering 20 positions for postdoctoral researchers. These 5-year contracts are financed by the Basque Government, the European Commission and the host institution where the researcher will develop his/her research. The applicants must have their PhD completed between 1/1/2009 and 31/12/2017.
📩 If you'd like to apply for a position at BCAM write an email to recruitment@bcamath.org before March 4th.

🗓  Scientific activities this month

February 11, 19:00 | Dissemination
Real Academia de Ciencias (Madrid)
Conversaciones en la Academia: Diálogos en femenino plural

- Luz Roncal (BCAM)
February 18, 16:00 | BCAM Scientific Seminar
- Albert Garreta (UPV/EHU)

February 20-21 | Workshop
Universidad de La Rioja

III Mathematical Analysis Days BCAM-UR in Logroño
February 25-28, 9:00 | Workshop
5th EACA International School on Computer Algebra and its Applications
- Willem  A. De Graaf,  (Università degli Studi di Trento), Irene Márquez Corbella, (Universidad de La Laguna) and Gonzalo G. de Polavieja  (Champalimaud Foundation, Lisboa)
February 27 | BCAM Scientific Seminar
Application of Optimal Transport Theory to Fair Learning

- Paula Gordaliza (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse and IMUVA, Universidad de Valladolid)

Other upcoming events 

📝 Latest news

Wil Schilders, president of EU-MATHS-IN, visits BCAM
Prof. Schilders has visited the center to offer a Knowledge Transfer Seminar about the importance of mathematical techniques to face the new challenges posed by industry and about the initiatives carried out by the European Services Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation. During his visit he has also taken time to strengthen scientific collaboration with BCAM researchers.
Athletic Club and BCAM sign a collaboration agreement
The main goal of this agreement will be to address the challenges of the sports industry from a mathematical research perspective. BCAM’s Data Science and Artificial Intelligence group, the Innovation Department, the Medical Services and the Game Analysis Department of Athletic Club will explore the benefits that applied mathematics can bring to the sports field.
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