Be a Divine Conduit for Guides & Angels

By Sara Wiseman

The following is an excerpt from the "Be a Divine Conduit for Guides & Angels" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

The ascended, the saints, the Holy Ones: these are as vast as when they walked this earth. Their work continues beyond time and space, as it has forever. - The Messages

We're going to jump into this Lesson pretty fast, to avoid the fear, trepidation and doubt that sometimes accompany doing something that we're not sure we can do.

Let me assure you, you can!

Meeting your guides

In general, you're going to meet two to four guides and/or angels during this journey.

A large group will first appear, then a smaller group will form, and then you will notice the particular guides for this session taking up positions to your left, behind you, and to your right.

There are absolutely other ways in way to communicate with guides, but this particular method allows you and the guides to work step-by-step together. You might think of this method as a dance, in which everyone knows the same steps.

As you enter in to the etheric realm during this meditation, chances are good that your guides will include:

- Your earth guide, who stands at your left

- Your spiritual teacher, who stands behind you

- Your mystic guide, who stands at your right

These positions help you to understand the significance of each guide, as they show up. In general:

- Your earth guide (on your left) may be the easiest to communicate with, and may be quite familiar to you. This is the guide who takes care of things like career, relationship, money, health, fun, all that earth kind of stuff. If you have questions on the day-to-day or the future, this is probably who will answer for you.

- Your spiritual teacher (behind you) will be the one who teaches you spiritual concepts, or provides you with "downloads" of spiritual information. Often, these guides are holy ones, or angels.

- Your mystic guide (to your right) is the one who deals with the departed, other realms, past lives, transitioning into death, your psychic abilities, your mediumship abilities, and so forth.

Understanding the type of guide you are likely to encounter in each spot will help you to orient yourself as to who is showing up, and what their purpose is.

Please note these are general categories, and if something else happens, then go with that. The Divine is always full of surprises!

For more information visit:
> Be a Divine Conduit for Guides & Angels



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