Cyber Monday is coming soon! Spread the word about your product or business in our Cyber Monday Specials eblast!
Be a part of our CWAHM email blast that will go out on Monday, Nov 28th!
You can offer your products, biz opportunities and special deals to our CWAHM subscribers (10,000+) for just $20.
HOWEVER, because you are a CWAHM Subscriber, you get a special price of just $15!
If you'd like to take part:
1. Please purchase on CWAHM OR PayPal me your $15 payment here: https://www.paypal.me/cwahm .
2. After your payment has been made, you will receive an email with instructions on how to submit your ad. If you do not receive the email within 24 hours, please feel free to contact me at jill@cwahm.com.
I MUST have payment and all necessary ad information by 5pm by TUES, NOV 22nd, so that I can get everything arranged and send out a preview on Wed, 23rd - before Thanksgiving. :)
Thanks so much!
Jill Hart