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Writer's Digest University
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March 28,  2016

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Breaking into Copywriting
imageplaceholder Krista Rea
Online Education Manager
Writers Digest University
Wondering about the world of freelance copywriting but not sure how to make a go of it? Consider investing in an online WDU course that explains what you need to launch yourself into this career field. Athena Hayes is an experienced professional copywriter who can teach others how to write copy. Her Breaking Into Copywriting course starts Thursday, March 31st and costs $249.99

In the Breaking into Copywriting class, you'll learn about the creative brief, copywriting guidelines, writing body copy, writing taglines, and looking for work. You'll have the chance to write headlines, write a twitter post, write spec ad copy, and rewrite your ad based on feedback from your instructor. Best of all is that you'll come away from the class with samples of your work.

"As an aspiring writer, I was fortunate to stumble onto copywriting early in my career, and I created “Breaking into Copywriting” to share everything I’ve learned about it with fellow creative writers. Besides the obvious benefit of a potential freelance writing income stream, the targeted sales principles of copywriting you’ll learn in my class will make you a better writer, and demystify the kind of marketing platform writing we’re all expected to do nowadays as novelists and screenwriters, like personal websites and promotional materials."

  ~ Athena Hayes

One student said, “I enjoyed the course. It was a good launching pad for prospective copywriters.” Another student said, "The course was great--very concise but very thorough. Athena, the course instructor, was very responsive and no nonsense. It was very good that she insisted on turning the assignments in on time, because each assignment built upon the previous one. The end result, of course, is a polished spec ad (which was critiqued by Athena) for the student's personal portfolio!" Try your hand at copywriting.

Learn how to become a copywriter. The online class costs $249.99 Join the Breaking Into Copywriting Workshop.
All upcoming courses can be viewed at this link.

Thank you for being part of the writing community.

Breaking Into Copywriting
with Athena Hayes

Athena Hayes is an experienced writer specializing in online content. Her knack for bringing a clever twist to subject matter has brought accolades from high-profile clients, including Gap Inc., CBS Interactive and National Planning Corporation.

She received an English degree from UCLA, and studied screenwriting and television writing at the UCLA Extension Writers' Program.

Learn how to build your copywriting portfolio through this online workshop.


Starting March 31st
Blogging 101

Social Media 101

Breaking Into Copywriting


Advanced Poetry


Revision & Editing

Fitting Writing Into Your Life


Writing the Romance Novel

Character Development
Starting April 7th
Advanced Novel Writing

12 Weeks to a First Draft

Grammar & Mechanics

Writing Personal Essays


Advanced Blogging


Writing the Science Fiction & Fantasy Novel

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