In this issue, August 27, 2019 View it in your browser.

Becoming a Technical Leader, ROS, AR, Twitter's Rezolus, Multi-Tenancy Kubernetes, Git, JCP, Next.js, An Engineer's Guide to a Good Night's Sleep, Remote Meetings

Announcing QCon London 2020 Committee Members!

Each QCon is organized by an expert group of senior software leaders. Superbet’s Chief Scientific Officer Peter Morgan and Microsoft’s Principal Engineering Group Manager Martijn Verburg are just two of the committee members for QCon London 2020. Join the people who move our industry forward and save up to £670 before Sept 14th!



OpenShift Guide for Developers (By O’Reilly)

Learn how to use a virtual machine with OpenShift installed and configured on your local environment, create and deploy your first OpenShift application, add language runtime dependencies, and more. Download the O'Reilly eBook.

The InfoQ eMag - Becoming a Technical Leader

"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others". - Jack Welch. For this eMag we've pulled together six articles from the InfoQ content that explore different aspects of what it takes to lead effectively in the technical world. (eMag)

Louise Poubel on the Robot Operating System

Louise Poubel is an engineer working with Open Robotics. Today on the podcast, she talks about what it takes to develop software that moves in physical space, including the Sense, Think, Act Cycle, the developer experience, and architecture of ROS. (Podcast)

Randy Shoup on Creating High-Performance Cultures

In this podcast recorded at QCon London 2019, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Randy Shoup, VP of Engineering at WeWork, about what is needed to create a high-performance culture. (Podcast)

Computer Mathematics, AI and Functional Programming

Moa Johansson discusses the history of computer mathematics and how it connects to the development of early functional programming languages like Standard ML. (Presentation)

Evoking Magic Realism with Augmented Reality Technology

Diana Hu explores how building a real world system is more a software engineering art, requiring making choices among a set of tradeoffs. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, Nov 11-13, 2019. Join us!

MLflow: An Open Platform to Simplify the Machine Learning Lifecycle

Corey Zumar offers an overview of MLflow – a new open source platform to simplify the machine learning lifecycle from Databricks. MLflow provides APIs for tracking experiment runs between multiple users within a reproducible environment and for managing the deployment of models to production. MLflow is designed to be an open, modular platform. (Presentation with transcript included)

From Research to Production with PyTorch

Jeff Smith covers some of the latest features from PyTorch - the TorchScript JIT compiler, distributed data parallel training, TensorBoard integration, new APIs, and more. He discusses some projects coming out of the PyTorch ecosystem like BoTorch, Ax, and PyTorch BigGraph. He digs into some of the use cases and industries where people are successfully taking PyTorch models to production. (Presentation with transcript included)

Getting Started in Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2.0

Brad Miro explains what deep learning is, why one may want to use it over traditional ML methods, as well as how to get started building deep learning models using TensorFlow 2.0. He walks through an example step-by-step of how to build an image classifier in Python, and then showcases how to leverage a technique called transfer learning to make building a model even easier. (Presentation with transcript included)



Architecting for IoT: Choosing the Right Data Platform

Data is central to any IoT implementation, most of which now have high data acquisition, high storage, and heavy data processing requirements. Based on learnings from existing IoT practitioners, this technical paper explores how to incorporate an IoT data platform into any type of architecture - Download Now.


  1. Twitter Open Sources Its Telemetry Tool Rezolus for Detection of Short-Lived Anomalies

  2. Instana Pipeline Feedback for Release Performance

  3. CloudBees Releases Official Jenkins X Distribution

  4. Google and VMware Establish Partnership, Enabling VMware Migrations to Google Cloud Platform

How Compuware Escaped Its Waterfall for True Mainframe DevOps

Compuware fought gravity and began innovating using DevOps, without losing staff or focus on the mainframe computing platform that brought company success for over 45 years. (Article)

Multi-Tenancy in Kubernetes

Katharina Probst discusses both the mechanics and the implications of cluster sharing on cost, isolation, and operational efficiency, including use cases, even challenging ones. (Presentation with transcript included)

The InfoQ eMag: DevOps for the Database

In this eMag, we discuss the unique aspects of databases, both relational and NoSQL, in a successful continuous integration environment. (eMag)



Why are My Microservices Slow?

Discover the common challenges found when operating distributed cloud-native environments and how to approach them:

  • Performance and reliability
  • Tracing and call analysis
  • Bottlenecks and errors
Learn More.


  1. Facebook and University Researchers Developing Mind-Reading System

Git 2.23 Adds Switch and Restore Commands

Git 2.23 introduces two new commands meant to replace two common uses of git checkout: git switch to switch to a new branch after creating it if necessary, and git restore to restore changes from a given commit. (News)

Operationalizing Microservices

Scaling up from proof-of-concept to production-grade microservices requires serious planning, dedication and time. Companies that have invested heavily in creating stable microservices architectures have learned many lessons. This InfoQ eMag takes in inside look - Download Now.


  1. Vaadin 14 Simplifies Progressive Web App Development on the Java Platform

  2. The Inaugural JakartaOne Virtual Conference Goes Lives with the Release of Jakarta EE 8

  3. Heather VanCura, Director of the JCP, Speaks to InfoQ on the JCP 20th Anniversary

Graal: How to Use the New JVM JIT Compiler in Real Life

Chris Thalinger discusses how to use Graal with JDK 10, how to compile an upstream Graal version, and what to look out for when using it for benchmarking or even in production. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. .NET Framework 4.8 Available on Windows Update, WSUS, MU Catalog

Microsoft to Consolidate .NET Repositories on GitHub

Microsoft has announced they will transform their fine-grained repository structure for .NET Core to consolidate a number of foundational .NET Core repositories, including dotnet/coreclr and dotnet/corefx. Microsoft also plans to further consolidate ASP.NET repositories. (News)


  1. Ionic CLI V5 Now with Ionic React Beta Support

  2. Progress Announces NativeScript 6 Release

  3. Next.js 9 Released: Q&A with Co-Author Tim Neutkens

Rendering Large Models in the Browser in Real-Time

Shwetha Nagaraja and Federico Rocha explore in detail some of the most interesting heavily-optimized techniques and strategies that Autodesk Forge Viewer introduces for viewing extremely large 2D and 3D models in the browser in real-time. These include progressive rendering to reduce time to first pixel, geometry consolidation to reduce draw overhead, etc. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. GeckoView and the New Firefox Preview for Android

Google Open-Sources Real-Time Hand Tracking for Android and iOS

Google has open-sourced a new component for its MediaPipe framework aimed to bring real-time hand detection and tracking to mobile devices. (News)

An Engineer’s Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep

Increased microservices adoption, fueled by the move to the cloud where architectures and infrastructure can flex and be ephemeral, adds complexity every day to the systems we create and maintain. This takes place alongside operating models with autonomous and totally empowered teams, so each distributed system has its own tapestry of technical approaches, languages, and services. (Article)

Strategic Domain-Driven Design

Nick Tune discusses some of the bounded context design heuristics, recurring patterns in the wild, and explains how to facilitate modeling sessions in an organization. (Presentation)

The State of Serverless Computing

Chenggang Wu briefly discusses both the benefits and shortcomings of existing serverless offerings. He then projects forward to the future and highlights challenges that must be overcome to realize truly general-purpose serverless computing. (Presentation with transcript included)

See what’s new in Architecture including:

  • Lessons Learnt Evolving Spotify’s Event Delivery System
  • Tackling Computing Challenges @CERN
  • Kubernetes Workloads in the Serverless Era: Architecture, Platforms, and Trends
  • And more...

5 essential software architecture podcasts to listen to in 2019

Learn what some of the most well-known and respected figures in the field of software architecture (Martin Fowler, Vaughn Vernon, Justin Cormack & more) have to say about new emerging trends and also the evolution of existing topics that have gained wider adoption.



Microservices with Redis Enterprise on Kubernetes

Technologies such as containers and Kubernetes are emerging to facilitate the adoption and management of microservices. Learn why Redis Enterprise is uniquely suited to a microservices application environment. Download the white paper.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Design Sprints at LEGO: Q&A with Eik Thyrsted Brandsgård

  2. 14th State of Agile Report Open

Agile around The World - A Journey of Discovery

People in different parts of the world exhibit behaviours that can either fit with agile or be an impediment. David Spinks and Glaudia Califano are travelling the world to explore how national cultures impact agile adoption. (Article)

Mastering Remote Meetings: How To Get—and Keep—Your Participants Engaged

Increasingly, software development is seen as a creative, collaborative undertaking. If poor remote meetings are impeding collaboration, how much damage could that be doing? (Article)

Q&A on the Book Right to Left: The Digital Leader's Guide to Lean and Agile

The book Right to Left: The Digital Leader's Guide to Lean and Agile by Mike Burrows explains why we should focus on the outcomes, and how working backwards from those can help us keep this focus so that the needs of customers are better served. It takes a right-to-left view on existing Agile and Lean methods, bringing a needs-based and outcome-oriented perspective to digital delivery. (Article)

MOOtopia – Evolving the Spotify Model at MOO

Claire Donald shares the journey MOO has been on over the last two years implementing the Spotify Model as it scaled, then evolving it further to meet their needs. (Presentation)