Dear John,

“Leadership is about standing out and being visible. The darker it is, the more we can shine as leaders. Coach Leaders shine the light on purpose and make sure the light reaches everyone they lead. Shining the light and being the light take bravery.

I believe one of the first things a leader should do is illuminate the purpose, mission, and why of their organization. Being able to personally commit to the company mission and articulate it in a compelling way is essential. When the team knows you are all in, it removes any doubt and allows them to understand your motives. Visibly committing in the light and then becoming the light take bravery, because everyone knows where you say you stand.

Now that you have fully illuminated where you are leading your people, you need to shine the light on how you are going to lead. Jealousy, dysfunction, gossip, division, and stigma all thrive in the dark. When team members don’t know what the others on the team are doing, the shadows creep in, and far too often trust is replaced with distrust. One of the best ways is to make sure how you do something is correct is to identify the things that can drag your team down. Make sure your leadership shines brightly in that area.

Acknowledge disruption, challenge, and change when they come. As the Coach Leader your team needs to know you are fully aware of every obstacle in front of them. Being the light means you are illuminating the challenges they face, making them easier to address. Being the light also means that when times are darkest, you can dim your own light and focus on turning up the lights of others on your team, which ultimately creates more light and fewer shadows.”

I hope you enjoyed this short excerpt from 10 Leadership Virtues For Disruptive Times.

You are a Coach Leader!

Choose To Win!



Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306