Key players in the Russian aerospace industry have unveiled a roadmap to substitute all the foreign composites on the Irkut MC-21 narrowbody airliner’s airframe with equivalent, locally produced materials.
Engines for decades – the formula for success of MTU Aero Engines! We offer our customers and partners products and services that cover the entire lifecycle of commercial and military engines. Our use of innovative technologies and high-tech repair techniques results in efficient, sustainable products and solutions for the aviation of tomorrow.
In January, the company announced its entry into the aviation industry through a joint venture with Boeing. Adient will hold 50.01% of the JV, with Boeing taking the remaining 49.99% stake.
After a January mishap, the Ariane 5 launcher started rebuilding its reputation for near-perfect reliability with the successful launch of two spacecraft.
Tiodize High Strength Composite Fasteners – 97,000 psi Tiodize has developed a process to manufacture composite screws, pins, bolts, and nuts, which results in the strongest composite fasteners available today. If you are looking for composite fasteners that have high strength:
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