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Bellville Golf Club
1 June 2020

Dear Member,
During Level 3, businesses with an on-consumption liquor licence, including restaurants, bars, and taverns can sell alcohol between 9am and 5pm from Monday to Thursday. Alcohol can only be consumed off-site.

To avoid long queues at the liquor stores, please support the Club and order your preferred beverage from us. Below you will find a list of products with pricing. If your favourite drink is not on the list we will source it for you.
We will start off with weekly orders. Email  your order before 1pm on Tuesday and collect your order on Thursday. Orders will only be accepted when we have received your payment or proof thereof.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards,
Bellville Golf Club.

The Bellville Team
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Bellville Golf Club
P O Box 6186
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