Nielsen Norman Group

New Articles

Benchmarking UX: Tracking Metrics

Quantitatively evaluate a product or service’s user experience by using metrics to gauge its relative performance against a meaningful standard. (3 min. to read)

Applying UX-Workshop Techniques to the Hiring Process

Create an effective hiring process by borrowing techniques used in UX workshops. (4 min. to read)

New Videos

Journey Mapping: 2 Decisions to Make Before You Begin

Customer journey maps come in two flavors: current-state and future-state mapping. Mapping can be based on hypotheses or on real user data. (3 min. video)

Virtual UX Conference Q&A With Jakob Nielsen

At the first Virtual UX Conference, Jakob Nielsen answered participant questions about topics ranging from user-experience careers and skill development to foldable smartphones and the future of user interfaces. (47 min. video)

Virtual UX Conference

Full event program describing all full-day UX training courses.

New Course: Remote Usability Testing

A new full-day course on Remote Usability Testing will be presented for the first time at the Virtual UX Conference on August 20.

Case Studies Wanted: UX Metrics

We're collecting case studies about UX benchmarking. In other words, we want to hear about a specific time when your team implemented some kind of design change and collected quantitative data before and after that change. We're offering free reports, online seminars, and full-day training courses as thank-you gifts (the more you share, the more gifts you get). Any project, product, or service could be eligible.

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Online Seminars

See list of all online seminars, including on-demand courses.

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