Cancer Health Treatment Update
Vegetable Gardening May Improve Health Outcomes for Cancer Survivors

People who maintained home vegetable gardens reported healthier diets and improved physical performance.

Playing With Cancer

When Jim Plotkin was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, his sports hobbies helped him through the rough patches.

Treating Bacterial Infection Improves Stomach Cancer Survival

People who received treatment for Helicobacter pylori after gastrectomy had better clinical outcomes.

Cancer Health Summer 2024
Check out our latest print edition!
News From ASCO 2024

See all our reports from the world's biggest cancer conference.

The New COVID Vaccine Is Out. Why You Might Not Want To Rush To Get It.

Those who get the new vaccine now may be more likely to fall ill this winter when the next wave hits, but by then variants may have changed.

More News About COVID-19
See all our coverage of COVID-19, including how it affects people living with cancer. For more news about SARS-CoV-2, visit our sister site,

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