The Benefits of Meditation

by Peter van Houten MD, Ananda Village

 This collection about science and meditation explores ways that modern research and its findings' corroborate with the ancient science of yoga. 

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Nayaswami Roma
Ananda Bangalore India
Yogananda, through Autobiography of a Yogi, shared a supernatural experience that helps us  understand the power of these masters to free us. 
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We are excited to make available a priceless archive and new tool for the spiritual life. The Ananda Music Oral History Videos interview those who performed or had direct contact with Swami Kriyananda about Ananda music. 

See Video Playlist
Through practices that develop intuition, we come to perceive larger subtle, hidden realities. Quieting the mind allows for hearing God's messages.
Listen to 4-minute Audio 

Adi Shankara's Greatest Debate

Murali Venkatrao, Ananda Washington

Is a life of virtue and faith enough to end pain and suffering? Be carried to an India of a past age by the true story of a 30-day debate of seers.

Watch 55-minute Video
by Nayaswami Narayan
Ananda Los Angeles
Rather than singing a sad song of unhappiness, it is the disciple’s duty to be very joyous and happy. Discipleship, rightly understood, is joy.
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Starting This Week

Ananda Course in Meditation

July 8 – September 15 online

Whether a beginning or experienced meditator, this meditation class will develop or deepen your daily practice and help you connect with your higher Self. Learn Paramhansa Yogananda’s scientific meditation techniques.
Tambien en Español

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