Media Winners & Losers

Howard Stern

Howard Stern is one of the best interviewers in the industry. His sit down with Andrew Cuomo — who has been an endless fount of words for several weeks now — was fresh and informative as any appearance the New York Governor has made.

One particularly probing exchange culminated in Stern asking Cuomo if he has cried since the coronavirus pandemic — which has hit New York harder than any other state — erupted earlier this year.

“Yes," Cuomo replied. “I can’t get over the death numbers every day. I can’t. And I can’t rationalize it.

"We saved every life that we could because the healthcare workers were great," he continued, but added “There’s nothing that abates that pain."

Stern also asked Cuomo if he thinks President Donald Trump is "happy" his brother Chris has coronavirus because he works for CNN.

The governor deftly dodged that question, but his answer was still revealing.

Bill Bennett

Fox News has fought hard against the perception that the network's most prominent opinion voices downplayed the coronavirus in its early days as a means of protecting Trump.

While its biggest stars, like Sean Hannity, are now taking the virus seriously (while claiming they always did) there remain blips in the line. Take, for example, Diamond & Silk, the Fox Nation hosts who have relentlessly peddled dangerous conspiracy theories about the coronavirus.

Today, there was Bill Bennett, the network contributor who said on Fox & Friends that the coronavirus pandemic is not actually a pandemic.

Bennett misleadingly compared the virus that is currently overwhelming New York hospitals to the seasonal flu, and lambasted the destruction of the economy.

Bennett's comments were presumably a defense of Trump, but as one astute Twitter pundit pointed out, they served only as evidence the president was duped.

The A-Block

Sign of the Times

The New York Times had an epic weekend. It included one stunning document dump, one six-byline epic of a story, and one thoroughly embarrassing correction.

Let's start with the bad: The Times published an overdue examination of a sexual assault allegation leveled by Tara Reade at presidential candidate Joe Biden.

In a much-maligned tweet promoting the story, the Times wrote they found no evidence of a pattern of misconduct by Biden “beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

That tweet was soon deleted, and a similar line in the report was removed. The Times noted the correction in a tweet, but it did not inspire confidence in the paper's reporting on the allegation — which was otherwise thorough.

Now the good reporting: The Times obtained a trove of emails exchanged between experts inside the federal government warning as early as January that the coronavirus would pose a serious threat to the United States.

In addition to that, there was a Times story -- bearing six bylines from some of the paper's best reporters -- that Mediaite's Reed Richardson described as "a detailed, blockbuster report in the New York Times that gives readers’ a thorough, blow-by-blow autopsy of the White House’s repeated failures to grapple with the deadly nature of the Covid-19 pandemic."

Read our summary here.

Bernie Backs Biden

Bernie Sanders joined presumptive Democratic nominee for president Joe Biden for a live stream special announcement Monday... and endorsed the former vice president.

Bernie urged his supporters to back Biden in his race against Trump — and in return Biden lavished his former rival with high praise.

“I want to thank you for being a powerful voice. And you’ve been the most powerful voice for a fair and more just America," Biden said.

“It’s a voice like yours that refuses to allow us just to accept what is. You’ve refused to accept that we can’t change what’s wrong in our nation,” he added. “And you don’t get enough credit, Bernie.”

Anna Wintour Takes a Pay Cut

Mediaite's Aidan McLaughlin reports that Condé Nast is cutting pay of its top staff as it struggles under the financial pressures placed upon publishers during the coronavirus pandemic.

Mediaite obtained an email from Condé CEO Robert Lynch to all staff announcing the cuts.

The publisher of glossy mags Vogue, Vanity Fair and The New Yorker will see salaries of many executives cut by 20% (that includes artistic director Anna Wintour) and Lynch's salary cut by 50%.

Read the details here.


Must-See Clip of the Day

The C-Team

President Donald Trump is set to unveil the White House task force for re-opening the United States, according to a new Fox News report, and a graphic of the team went viral on Monday.

The task force includes two tablespoons of nepotism and a hefty dollop of terrible coronavirus forecasting.

Read about it here.


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